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Yes, me too. Hopefully, this information will become more widely available and will radically change the whole Roe V Wade conversation. I am so tired of the hypocrisy surrounding the whole abortion issue....most of the people who say they are pro life are ill informed and use their misinformation to create an image about abortion that doesn't really exist (i.e., that FB meme that was going around talking about hearing the screams of an 8 wk old embryo being ripped apart during an abortion procedure.) What it really boils down to is pretty much two things: they don't want low income women being able to get this procedure done and having it paid for with taxpayer money. And the religious wingnuts who will scream that all life is sacred (even when its the product of rape or incest) - and oddly enough, these are the very same people who are whole heartedly in favor of the death penalty. They are also strangely silent about the cruel and inhumane deaths of very young children - many of whom were the result of unintended and/or unwanted pregnancies. I always take the opportunity to mention that Casey Anthony wanted to get an abortion - and her mother said absolutely no way. She thought forcing her to have that baby would force her to "grow up" and become responsible.....instead it resulted in the horrific death of a beautiful little girl so that Casey would be able to "party on".


Back to the 50's, but armed with better info & better ideas than wire coathangers. I am saddened by the necessity.

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