Some Atheists claim that all religions or religious philosophies are the same since they are equally false. I assert that them being equally false is irrelevant. Ideologies and belief systems embed particular values and ideas who have different consequences on human behavior. Consequences on the human behavior is what really matters as this is how it truly affects society. Not all religions are equal because they represent different religious philosophies and set of rules in the same way that godless ideologies such as marxism or capitalism are.
Do you believe that all religions are equal? What do you mean by it? This issue underlines the Christianity vs. Islam debate. Please defend your case here.
all religions are equal, because they are all equally false, and all can not be proven .,nor disproven, when you use faith as a factor, quid a pro
Yes, I think that all religions are equal in that they all believe some sort of bullshit! You can pick and choose forever, but it still comes out the same...a turd is a turd!
No, they are not all equal, not in any sense, any more than all ideas are equal. It could be said that the three major monotheistic religions are all misogynistic, but they are not equally so. One of Islam's major flaws is that its leaders have not condemned the practice of child marriage, because the Prophet himself did so. Until they do, there is no moral high ground for them.
Well. I think this discussion has an internal issue. Religions are not like some tea cups that you can measure their capacity to each other.
I think each religion; as part of the culture; emerged based on some needs in a society. Each one has some good perceptive toward some social issues. if a society will be more completed, its religion should answer more completed issues.
Not equal. Some are tame, some are extreme. All equally false though.
If you believe it or not, when the end comes we all will be held accountable .
I’d have to say that some are more harmful than others are.
In one respect they are all very similar. There's something wrong with you, only this will fix it.
I hold that religion is antihuman, it preys on this odd self loathing our species seems burdened with.
nah. There have been faiths where people built up large piles of feces and prayed to it. You can't say that is equal to say the the teaching of buddha.
@powder I cited Buddhism as an example.
@powder you say this but the lifestyle he laid out for his monks didnt allow them to work except if they faced starvation. They were supposed to depend on people noticing that they needed something and give it to them. Outright begging was frowned on but so was earning money.
No, and these big box churches are created to do one thing:
Make lots of money. Also, some are to advance a political agenda.
Currently the Islamic religion appears to be the most violent religion , although the Christian religion, some will argue, is just as violent. The nontheistic religions Buddhism, Confucianism, Satanism (TST of Detroit) seem to be the least violent, although the Buddhists of India have been in conflict with Hindus and Muslims.
I agree with you. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Sarah Haider and other well-known Muslims all point to the fact that it is their holy book and adherence to it that causes so many problems within the Muslim communities. All Christians are not alike. The closer they adhere to their holy book the more immoral they become in my opinion. It’s fundies that profess belief in killing gays, in taking away civil rights, women’s rights and that claim they’re being persecuted when anyone argues with them. Some do believe in science, evolution, and human rights. From what I’ve seen moderate Muslims are less tolerant than almost all Christians. I would certainly team up with a Christian or a Muslim for a good cause even though I disagreed with him and would argue with him the next day on philosophy. I see so much us/them ideology right now that I don’t want to get in that same camp as what we see in government. They are all false but not all equally dangerous.
Yes all are based on faith (myths), fear and the position that they are the only correct religion!!! They all play as if they are being nice to each other but when it gets down to the basics they all believe that they have the right path to heaven. Every religion is treated the same in our society except for islam which is questionable. They receive benefits due to their (holy status) and the good that they are perceived to do. Their charity work is great except when they make it mandatory to attend a service first! Regardless of their rules or philosophies they prey on the fear belief of an afterlife. The original religions could have been established to provide a society with
common sense rules but were ruined by priests who soon recognized the power they enjoyed over the society. They controlled the human behavior. Islam isn't any different than voodoo or any other religion the premises remain the same.
"Do you think all religious are equal?"
Equal in what sense?
"Some Atheists claim that all religions or religious philosophies are the same since they are equally false."
Well certain non-supernatural claims found in religions may be true. I think Jesus probably did exist but that doesn't say much on it's own does it?
"I assert that them being equally false is irrelevant. Ideologies and belief systems embed particular values and ideas who have different consequences on human behavior."
True but it's hard to really judge them all equal handedly.
"Consequences on the human behavior is what really matters as this is how it truly affects society."
"Not all religions are equal because they represent different religious philosophies and set of rules in the same way that godless ideologies such as marxism or capitalism are."
"Do you believe that all religions are equal?"
Perhaps not in their negative impacts on humanity but to really objectively compare every aspect of each one without any cultural value judgements creeping in is neigh on impossible!
"What do you mean by it?'
i'm pretty sure they can't all be equal but how the hell can you be entirely objective when judging them all?
"This issue underlines the Christianity vs. Islam debate. Please defend your case here."
As far as I'm concerned most are so bad they are largely as bad as each other. I'm OK with Jains though because the more fundamentalist they get the less you have to worry about them as harmful because they are 100% pacifist. They won't even kill insects i they can help it!
I have noticed that Christianity is the worst. They FORCED their beliefs on others. Our history shows forcing their beliefs on SLAVES, Native Americans. The RIGHT WING wants to force it on our school kids. True Islam teaches peace. The KKK say the are GOD's work. They are nothing but home grown terrorist.
From a scientific viewpoint there can be little difference between religions in as much as they are all figments of someone imagination. That being said there are some religions that are so virilent that they are much more of a threat to the rest of civilization.
I think all extremists are dangerous - no matter what religion or non religion. Just reading comments from the members of this sights proves to me that it does not matter much what you label yourself belief wise.... extremists are scary and annoying.
I do not believe all religions are the same. Some of the most common recent ones are really similar. But all religious and non religious affiliations can have groups that are the same... They have that way of thinking that is "my way is the only way". That way of thinking is so wrong. People get so hung up on labels to much. Labels can be ok to a point but we need to look beyond the labels to make a truly informed decision.
Nope, for example, Islam is the most volatile, repressive, and insidious religion at the moment.
at the moment maybe, but a fringe element of the religion. That formula has not changed much for all of history. Its not the first time extremist have come about. Jews, Christians, and likely all religions before, and most after. The ideas of religion makes them equally bad. The idea that I am right, everyone else is wrong, and nothing you can say or do can change that. That idea, mixed with the idea what you need to devout, to sacrifice, to spread your ideas or else. That is the cocktail that makes all religions equally bad.
All religions are NOT created equal. Religions are not equal in general and do not have human rights because human rights apply only to people. []
Even some secular scholars believe the Church of England had a major role in establishing Rule of Law that protected peasants from lords and some Muslims still seems stuck on keeping people nomadic or in caves. They're both stupid but one is definitely the winner.
If I had to choose to be around religious people, I'd probably pick Buddhists who don't live in Myanmar.