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LINK Humans are still evolving: 3 examples of recent adaptations

Doubtful this would convince any creationists, but at least it confirms evolution a little bit more.

snytiger6 9 Feb 13

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I also saw a couple:::1) eye color 2) our tail bone
is disappearing.They also mentioned the lactose


This I heard someplace else ; it gives me awe and humility . Now I know I am = a work in progress/ so
fu** the perfectionists as I abhor thier click. I wish there
was a vaccine to inoculate for arrogance- require our leaders
take a reasoned dose.
A related subject--_-- science says there were 3 distinct
large increases in human brain size, over its history. Saying it could be linked to volcanoes and disruption of the climate.


Creationists will accept micro-evolution and gene mutations. It is macro-evolution that they deny at all costs. In this case, humans still remain humans--we aren't becoming a different species. Given enough time this could possibly happen and it would be up to a future humanoid species to either accept the evidence of such speciation or do like today's creationists and deny it.


This seem to be a very doubtful report. The first example is certainly not an example of evolution, and last is probably not.

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