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Do you know where the word "tantalize" comes from?

Tantalus, son of Zeus, is a figure from Greek mythology who was the rich but wicked king of Sipylus. For attempting to serve his own son at a feast with the gods, he was punished by Zeus to forever go thirsty and hungry in Hades.

He was made to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree with low branches, with the fruit ever eluding his grasp, and the water always receding before he could take a drink.


LiterateHiker 9 Feb 17

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Interesting ,thanks for sharing


It's surprising how many of our words originated from Greek mythology. Another example is narcissist.


As a non-native English speaker, that was something new to learn. Thanks!!!


yep, i knew that.



Nice history lesson!


Like much Greek mythology it’s a cautionary tale from the oral tradition.

There is also the version of Tantalus stealing Hephaestus’ golden dog or fencing it for his mate or somesuch.

Go to Iliad and Odyssey for real Greek story telling or Aesop for the cautionary tale


Yes...I knew that. Posted it in Uncommon Words group some months ago.


Seems like a pleasant fate for certain political figures all around the globe.
After all, they too are feasting upon the children of their lands.


Familiar with this

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 17, 2020
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