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You died, I lived, god is good!

Is anyone else bothered when people who are spared severe damage or death/injury in a catastrophe will make public statements god spared them and their family? If I was one of their neighbors who’s home was destroyed by a tornado or whose relative died in a flood, I might feel obligated to go over and smack them. Especially when more often than not in small town America, they probably all go to the same church or at least are all of the same faith. I consider it the highth of hypocrisy to basically say that your god chose you over your neighbor or friend and if he spared you, you must have to believe that he purposely attacked and harmed those who were not spared. Is there any other explanation?

Barnie2years 8 Mar 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Right on kido, did you ever see a jack nickelson movie called " the witches of Eastwick" jack had a great quote in the movie just about what you said,lol He said it in the church scene if you saw it you would laugh!

Saw the movie, but it was a long time ago, couldn’t tell you much about it.


I hate it when someone wins the Super Bowl and thanks God for giving them the strength to win. What a crock of crap! So in their belief God must really hate he other team because they lost.
I hate it when sports winners, Oscar winners, etc. play the God card!

ebdb Level 7 Apr 6, 2018

All the time! Why would God spare you and let a child die or did God not care about anyone but you?

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