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Charities - How do you give?

Quite a few folks on here indicated that they give or are involved with charities. Tell us some of your favorite causes and how you help!

bonfirefromtx 5 Mar 30

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Via my art


mental health and cancer


to the people in the coffee shops and to the unfortunates on the street. the only charity I'd ever help is medecins sans frontiers. the rest are scams especially the pink and daffodil crowd . one works for the make up industry and the other for big pharma. only 8% of the money left over after the executives have paid themselves goes to finding the CAUSE of cancer. effing stupid really


UNICEF, The Planetary Society and American Atheists

Marz Level 7 Mar 30, 2018

read courage of the children . unicef is totally corrupt and misuses your money

Link please. Can’t wait to debunk another right-wing smear against UNICEF


I check 'em out first on Charity Navigator, then give mostly to environmental, or animal related ones, and occasional human disasters, when I'm in the mood.


I try to give directly, I don't trust most organizations because I know 90% doesn't reach its target.
Buying a sandwich for this and that person is how I try and do things. I do like to do the dent can thing and stuff like that for food banks.


Monthly to Doctors Without Borders and Foundation Beyond Belief.


I live in sheltered accommodation and do mending ironing and washing for other people and anything else that is wanted they gove me money whatever they think I am worth - and when I get to £100.00 I send it off to a charity of my choice or theirs if they have one - I also buy my books from charity shops and then take them back for resale and give to people with collecting boxes whatever cause. its all I can do but I try to live simply and not waste stuff.


Not frequently. Min wage with a mortgage so I don't have loads to spare. One-off donations when I feel like it or dumping excess stuff to charity shops etc. Would like to set up some regular things but just not at the moment.


Depend on each individual likes or aspirations. Who is actually receiving it Is the end user or hypocrate organisation with deep pockets
I will give a coaching or education training someone so they can go out and repeat the process and look after themselves. Like teach to fish and they fish for life but you give fish they will still want fish tomorrow

Rosh Level 7 Mar 30, 2018

Rather miserly with my money

@bonfirefromtx once I'm rich I'll be more generous. I'm not rich so I'm miserly so I can become rich. There's always someone you could be giving money to. Do you give it to the person most in need? To the person you have an affinity to, give by proximity or convenience?

@bonfirefromtx value and priorities are subjective there is no doubt things you value than I won't and vice versa.

@bonfirefromtx I do give my time I'm generous in that sense I volunteered before and I try to help friends whenever possible. I don't virtue signal to make myself feel better about myself by helping random people I don't know (even though I have before) I don't feel like I need to give more to charity because the fact of the matter is there are plenty of people that need help imn this world me giving to others is only saying I think I'm better off than them.

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