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LINK NPR's attempted takedown of Bernie Sanders: Free of facts, high on "mainstream" spin |

@desertastronomer posted this in a comment on another post. I thought it was worth sharing more generally.

bingst 8 Feb 24

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Ever since the 1990s, when NPR began accepting corporate "underwriting" (read: advertising) for its programming, its content became more and more corporate in its slant on news and politics. Nowadays its content is just as pro-corporate as the major networks, Fox News, CNN, or MSNBC. The only difference is how NPR continues to play to its niche audience of highly-educated, cultural hipsters and lovers of nostalgia like Live From Here. Like MSNBC, NPR substitutes liberal views on culture and identity politics for any liberal or lefty views on economics or class warfare, which its centrist Dem listeners are happy to accept as being sufficiently left wing for them, since the listeners of both networks tend to be comfortable members of the top 10% classes. They are fine with the economic status quo...

NPR is worthless....I call it National Petroleum Radio because most so called reporting is pro wars ....all are illegal wars and NPR and Bernie are doing ZERO to help Julian Assange out of London...he is the real journalist NPR is fake news


NPR tells people what their money tells them to say. They are not any different than mainstream news organizations.

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