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LINK Trump Explains Decision To Cut Meals On Wheels Program “They just die anyway”

This truly shows that Trump has no compassion... at all. If you are not a wealthy white straight male, to him your life has no worth.

snytiger6 9 Feb 28

Enjoy being online again!

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It's one of his solutions to solve the over populate planet problem.


I think you have this wrong. any wealth white non-straight male would be able to hide what they are and be just like Pence. The orange wonder does not care about those who need any help. It is called robbing the poor so the rich can have more.


MORON AND BANKRUPT OF EMOTIONS - I received Meals on Wheels for 6 years recovering from AML-acute myloid leukemia. My ex-husband who is 100% disabled has been receiving it longer. He is also a Trump supporter-which I can't fathom at all!!!!!

What is he going to do when this stops. Will he still vote for him.

@dalefvictor No clue-he has ceased talking to me since I evicted him for nonpayment of rent.

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