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LINK Google News - Elizabeth Warren Is Unlikely to Endorse Bernie Sanders. Here’s Why.

Pretty much why I much prefere Warren over Sanders.

1of5 8 Mar 12

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If Sanders or his fans think her endorsement is going to save them then they are delusional. People picked her over Bernie for a reason, those that want to flip can do that on their own, they don't need to be told or given permission to do so.

First it is "Well she was a spoiler candidate". Then it is "Well she didn't endorse him". Then it would be "Well it wasn't a good enough endorsement". And all of the time its "It's a DNC conspiracy and the liberal media hit job" all the time ignoring that people who said they would vote for him apparently just didn't bother to get out of bed come primary day, and even when she wasn't even on the ticket people still didn't vote for him.

Wouldn't it be nice if the blame game they play actually landed on the canidate instead of all these outside forces that continually thwart him? You'd think that someone who wants to make big changes would be able to overcome (in fact has to be able to) even fairly major hurdles. But nooooo, every little thing seems to trip him up.

@1of5 he is not getting anywhere near the numbers he got in 2016. He is staying in at this point more to keep his message viable and on the platform than to win the nomination.

@Barnie2years he needs to do that. Saw today his olive branch to Joe. Hopefully Joe's smart enough to listen and incorporate some things.


Because she threw him, and all of us, under the bus in it's a habit. Sorry, I do not share your enthusiasm for the Shrill Shill. She keeps saying stuff that sounds great, but her actions speak Volumes.

So she should endorse someone who she doesn't believe can get the job done? She's actually worked with him in the Senate and has first hand knowledge of his dealmaking abilities, relationships he has with other colleagues, and how his Senate staff is run and does things.

Big picture ideology they're actually close on, it's how to get it done where they differ. That she doesn't think he can deliver what he's promising is on him, not her, to prove.

Oh yeah, he called her a liar on national TV, too. Shinning moment of unity.

@1of5 um, that "liar" thing is Faux News, period!

@AnneWimsey you misspelled The Hill.


@1of5 ????? She also claimed to be part Cherokee, something she Claims she heard her family saying. None of them has ever copped to it. I suggest hearing aids.......

@AnneWimsey oh. My. God.

Seriously, your smarter than this.

@1of5 she never claimed Native American descent? Really?

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