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Wildlife crossings are being built to help animals

The Federal Highway Administration says more than a million roadway accidents involving animals happen in the U.S. each year. These collisions hurt wildlife and people.

One solution to this problem? Wildlife crossings. In the U.S. and around the world, bridges and underpasses are being built to help animals safely cross roads.

Wildlife crossings have been built in several U.S. states, including Arizona, Utah, and Wyoming. In Washington State, Garvey-Darda is part of a major project. She’s helping to design a set of about 20 wildlife crossings.

“Banff (British Columbia) has been the best model for us,” she says. Washington’s crossings are being built along a 15-mile stretch of Interstate 90 (I-90). That’s a long highway. This section of I-90 bisects the Cascade mountain range. It has disrupted the migration of animals in the area.

All 20 crossings are expected to be completed by 2029. So far, six underpasses and one overpass have been built. Garvey-Darda says these crossings have made a difference. “We now have close to 5,000 deer and elk going through the undercrossings,” she says. “All of these animals were potential accidents.”

"This spring, Washington locals can plant vegetation on the I-90 overpass. Garvey-Darda says the plants will encourage animals, including her beloved pika, to use the crossings. “It’s important to be proactive,” she says, “and not wait until a species is endangered.”


LiterateHiker 9 Mar 13

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What an eyesore! 😜

Couldn't they have at least painted the trees and grass!


This a beautiful thing they are doing ,lot more are needed ,hopefully more will be done when they upgrade highways


They ae aslso beingh built in Florida to help the survival of the Florida panther (cougar) and other species.


That's great news...


Following in the footsteps of Europe.


They work well

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 13, 2020
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