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What do you notice about someone that others tend to not focus on?

I'm a neck person. I think it tells you allot about a person, age, health, masculinity/femininity ect. Do you have anything like that. I've heard of finger nails, teeth, eyes, chin ... What's yours? It might be nothing physical maybe it's a person's scent, voice, walk ...

JoelLovell 6 Mar 31

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My main tell is how they treat people who are not as advantedge as they are and how they treat animals.

Love that

that gives you a preview of just about everything. saves a lot of time


I am attracted to a sense of humor and the ability to be open and truthful.


If they are a toe or heel walker................

you are not alone, it is not one of mine, but I am a toe walker, and some people notice it, I never did.


Mannerisms, eyes and mouth oh and bullshit of course.


Do they treat others as people, or as a race/color/ a server.


I'm not sure I have anything specific but I often find quirks and imperfections attractive.


Eye contact and body language.

Yes, and yes. Eyes especially; they can be such a giveaway.


My Hunting Ground always been the Dance Floor... Latin, Salsa, Blues, Swing, R/B, Jazz what have you. Movement of the Hips. You Faking it or Feeling it? I want to know before hand.


How long they maintain eye contact.

Deb57 Level 8 Mar 31, 2018


I tend to look at those too




How they smell, not just what perfume or Cologne they wear, but their own personal smell. I had an injury when I was in my teens that left me mostly blind for a few months, I started 2 notice how people all smell different, there are some that I think smell amazing and others I don't care for, but they're each different.

Byrd Level 7 Mar 31, 2018

I'm into the natural smell of people too, hair especially


Eyes, energy vibration


I observe how patient they are, people will say that they are but they're not.


I keep looking at your deltoids


Are you talking about a fetish?

Nah just observation

@JoelLovell But you are attracted to necks?

@JoelLovell I don't focus on anyone else's looks or how they dress. To each his own. I don't want to be known for being judgemental. I don't like being judged myself.

@Sarahroo29 yhup necks


I'm a sucker for a long nose, but am trying to get over that.
Also particular about sound of someone's voice no matter the relationship.


Fingers and hands.

@SilverDollarJedi it's all about the proportions and the knuckles


Sense of style.


I guess I'm old ... but I really look for an aura .... a peaceful aura ... it isn't just confidence and it isn't just looks! It's for lack of a better word their soul. I'm a person that is in search of my opposite so they need to be at peace with themselves; cause I'm a body full of controversy (at odds with who I want to be and who I project being) Ok this just became about me my apologies ... Aura I look for their Aura!


Eyes. Particularly female eyes.
Smell is a big one for me, though between nasty stuff like sweat smoke and colgnes you rarely get to know how a person smells. This is in no way deliberate, and in fact puts me off a bit, but I worked in offices full of women many times, and always knew who was ovulating by the scent.


Their dietary habits and how they project themselves about it.

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