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Just for fun

Just for fun, is anyone here related to someone fameous or who invented something? I will start:

I am the niece of painter Andrew Wyeth and the inventor Nathaniel Wyeth.

LJ49 4 Mar 31

Enjoy being online again!

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My father told me that one of my mother's aunts was married to Harry Davenport, who was a well known actor in his day. He played the Doctor in "Gone With The Wind".

Also, on my mother's side I am a descendant of Captain James Reed who was an American Revolutionary hero.


I married the Devils sister .

Were you the one down in Georgia?

@Bierbasstard That was part of the problem .


All my relatives didn't do jack shit.

So, they did nothing...that's something!

@LJ49 the bar was set low.

@MacTavish LOL! Well, I'm a "converted" redneck (I have all of my teeth) so I have done my fair share of jack shit myself. You should message me and we can have a misspelled discussion 🙂


Well now you don't have to worry about walking around in public in sunglasses and big hats.

no, but I might want too lol


I am a distant relative of Pablo Picasso, through my dad's family.

It is a treat, isn't it!

@LJ49 Ironically, my brother, a niece, and I are artists. My daughter is a full-time, professional artist in Lexington, KY. She even resembles Pablo when he was her age. Here she's posing by a detail of a commissioned mural in Cynthiana, KY.

@birdingnut That is fabulous. I always love to see commercial art like that on the sides of buildings.

@LJ49 It's a commissioned mural that my daughter was asked to do to promote Kentucky, so she decided to do it showing antique, discontinued whiskey bottles at the location of the original brewery in Cynthiana, to celebrate their role in Kentucky.


My ancestors were given charge of the heart of Robert the Bruce of Scotland. (My family should never be trusted).

Wow. That is really remarkable!

Not if you knew what they were asked of by him while dieing and what they actually did LJ. 🙂

@Holysocks It's still history and it's still great. Like being the niece of the man who is responsible for all the plastic in our landfills and oceans.


Andrew Jackson and Robert the Bruce are in my family tree, but I'm not proud of it.

Why not a bit of pride for being related to Robert the Bruce?

I feels like he and his father forced/tricked Wallace into leading the revolution.

Hey, be proud. It is an important part of history.


I'm not related to anybody famous, but I'm very impressed by your pedigree!

Deb57 Level 8 Mar 31, 2018

You most likely are, yet just don't know it.


I'm supposedly a descendant of Vlad the Impaler.

you wish.

@Jacar not really the Van Helsing's are relentless


@Jacar Not nice. Please do not comment on my posts if you wish to act like a child.


My brother lived across the street from christinas world

How wonderful! It is the Olsen farm.


There is a family legend that someone in our past invented the boiled ham, which, I was told, was the ham currently available everywhere. I am rather dubious about that.

I have a friend whose great Uncle invented the whistling tea kettle.


Cool. Welcome to the crew.

Thank you!

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