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Do you feel a division happening in this country?

And if yes in which way. What is your take on it?

Lovewins 5 Apr 1

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39 comments (26 - 39)

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I feel it from the UK


There has been for a while, now. People are whittling down to smaller and smaller groups of 'us' versus larger and larger groups of 'them.'. It's only becoming obvious, now.


Yes, and I think it's too volitile, ebbing and flowing day to day. My hope is that people will turn to science and Reason to sort through all the garbage that abounds in this day and age, verify facts, think critically about issues rather than sticking to dogmatic beliefs. Only then can real progress be made in my opinion

Check out the Conservative Atheist group on this site, and you'll see evidence of division right there. It's WAY more than just about religion, science, and reason.


Seems like politization is dividing America. Polls have shown that the amount of distrust that members of each political party have for the other is higher than ever. We need to be able to understand each other and to use critical thinking about political agendas. Neither party is completely correct!

I have not found many lunatics in the Democratic Party! I have not found many non-lunatics in the Republican Party! And, I am looking...hard!


Anger, dissent, division is nothing new to the U.S. I recall Vietnam, Nixon, civil rights, the ERA. I actually think the historical unrest caused the citizens of this country to grow emotionally and is one reason that Obama was elected. But the anger I see now is not only between a government and it's people, it is an anger among different groups,the rich versus the poor, the college educated versus the laborer (on some levels), the old versus the young, blacks versus bigots, the list can go on forever and even include religious versus non believers. The divisions I see today re complex and scary. I'm not sure that anoutcome exists that will heal, not that it is not possible, but because the divisive tactics of the right have actually worked.


We have a big division coming that is driven by hatred and a false sense of everything. The basic idea seems to be keep us divided while they steal us blind. If you happen to support the thieves they will make sure you believe it was done by others and not them.
When you take away what we have all gained in the last 75 years and this is all about big business making more money, you are not my friend.


Bummer. I was hoping I had found a site that was above name calling.


There has always been divisions between human beings. is is just especially noticable with all of the biased media and social media available.


As a Canadian gazing south, almost all that I see is division and conflict as a result.... I often scratch my head wondering how it can be like this....( I know Canada is not free of this, but we don't kill each other so often over it...

blzjz Level 7 Apr 28, 2018

Division in this country?

Yes. And spreading around the world.

Which way?

Ultimately, it's a spiritual division (not the wooish kind).

My take?

We have lost any semblance of a unifying vision. Evolution made us spiritual (mental, emotional, intuitive) creatures. It gave us a thin veneer of rationality, as an afterthought. A unifying vision won't be one that favors one worldview over another, but finds common ground that includes everyone (or at least an overwhelming majority). It won't be easy.

skado Level 9 Apr 18, 2018

When has the United States NOT been divided? (You should be called the Untied States!)


There has always been a division in America, this world is a belligerent one. Not just us (human) every living thing on this planet "goes to war." Ants will kill another colony for territory, lions kill hyenas just for fun. There a social status with everything living on this planet, any there is honestly no distinguishing right from wrong it's all a matter of perspective. Bottom line is as long as life exist on this planet there will always be a division in our society. The only way around this is a "Borg" like takeover (for those who know Star trek) of life, strip life of it's free will to obtain one collective goal then division will no longer exist.


It’s has been escalating since the nineties, getting worse with each cycle, with no end in sight


Population demographics say that when groups are small they look to larger ones in order to gain power. When the group becomes large they loose identity amid the larger ones and seek independance to gain atonomy and strength. Everything I have seen points to this being true. look at all the countries coming apart as the different factions looking for independance from the main group (Brexit, Basques in Spain, The French in Canada, Isis and the Taliban, the Middle East, Tamil Tigers in India and even among some states in this country). When you have ever more sub groups vying for limited resources the situation becomes explosive. Too many chefs can spoil the broth.

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