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Where have all the Conservatives gone on this site?

Where are all the conservatives, libertarian types, the anti- government, free market, private enterprise worshiping, socialist hating, commie denouncing Right Wingers, and their ilk, with whom those of us on this site on the Left have done battle since the site began?

Now the economic world is collapsing, and every type of government bail out, support, public services, and public investment is clamored for, where are the Right Wingers on this site who have denounced here anything government as evil, an affront to their liberty, and taxation as theft and nothing more.

They've gone mighty quiet here, it seems to me.

The Bernie haters, who cried out against his Cuba style Communism, or so they said it was. Nothing lately from them.

I trust they haven't succumbed to that dreaded disease, Reality Check Syndrome, when the brain is forced to accept the reality of The Public Interest, and the government's role in taking action for the public good. (Well, some are trying to in America. Just not Republicans).

Perhaps they are on intellectual ventilators, pumping oxygen to the reason part of their brains.

Or maybe they are just waiting for a cheque from the evil thieving government.

Nice not to hear from them. Hope it continues.

David1955 8 Apr 8

Enjoy being online again!

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St-Sinner is still here, and Jacar, and etc.......
I actually prefer them to the "holier than thou: crowd we have had lately, that tell us how we should feel.......
Do you know you are a bad person if you express fear/rage?

I am here watching everything carefully. Be assured. Conservatives don't bother me as much as Bernie does. I will jump in as soon as cronies start glorifying the old, unqualified hunchback, babbling, hands in the air man who wants to be president. If I don't, who will?

@David1955 well put! I myself stay awake at night worrying that we might again have a vibrant middle class like we did 50 years ago............l

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