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They should have some immunity and hopefully will recover quickly. Could be false positive. Could be corono19 evolved into corono 20. Reinfection by a virus is, I think, either uncommon or impossible, unless ones immune system is compromised. My knowledge of biology is limited. Hope someone can educate us.

The common cold is a virus, ever had more than one?

The “common cold” is a catch all of about 200 different virii (viruses?) all of which mutate constantly. If the covid-19 virus has mutated that would be bad (but expected) news. If the immune system cannot generate sufficiently potent antibodies, that would be worse news. Stay tuned and stay as safe as you can.

@AnneWimsey I've had many colds and flu several times. Maybe I had all 200 colds strains, it's been over 20 years since I got several colds every winter. In fact, it's rare that I get sick anymore.

As Detritus said, colds are not one virus, and neither is the flu.

@Detritus It is possible mutations of covid will be less infectious and less deadly. The 1918 Spanish flu killed millions, but there hasn't been a flu since then as deadly.

I should have specified, if covid has mutated so that your acquired immunity was lost, that would be bad. A mutation that made it less virulent and/or less lethal would be welcome (and probably never get noticed).


Hopefully that's a false negative issue instead of reinfection after recovery.

That's what it sounds like th ed y think the other cases like that have been.

Faulty testing is bad but lack of immunity after recovery would be much worse.

MsAl Level 8 Apr 9, 2020
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