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Hmm, it kind of strikes me as being a bit on the 'odd' side, to say the least, that while the rest of the world is in a madden rush to develop a viable, safe vaccine for Covid 19 just 3 and a bit short months AFTER the first Outbreak in Wuhan Province of China, they are already doing human trials tests on a vaccine they made.
Is the Scientific Research Community in China so advanced that it out-strips the rest of the world?

Triphid 9 Apr 14

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Several researchers got ahead of the SARS-2 curve by adjusting what they already had in the pipeline for SARS-1.

Zster Level 8 Apr 15, 2020

America had biologists working in China with these very people - until Trump withdrew them in his anti-China spat.
Draw your own comclusion.


China doesn't mess around with stuff like this the way trump does... They mean business ..


They will use things before they are proven safe that and they aren't driven by profit before everything like trump

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 15, 2020

Perhaps medicine can advance more quickly when one isn't concerned by pesky things like "informed consent"?

Or, to be fair, maybe they really do have a larger supply of informed, consenting test subjects who got the beejeezus scared out of them by COVID Round One, and are eager to prevent Round Two.

Hell, I'd consent to being a test subject, if anyone would have me. Seems like the civic-minded thing to do.


From what I've read, they were working pretty closely with W.H.O. to find a solution. Maybe China's leader is not making snarky little remarks about the organization, but practicing a method Trump doesn't understand called COOPERATION. []

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