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I cannot believe in a God who wants to be praised all the time - Friedrich Nietzsche

SecretSharer 4 Nov 23

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Some people's idea of heaven reminds me more of Kim Jung Un's North Korea than it does of a place where I'd want to spend eternity.


I don't suppose he does why would he?That's a man made rule .

The gnostics have a different view that god only wants man to view himself,not praise him. God is seeing himself through the eyes of humans.It kind of makes sense,if there was a god,he would be alone and have no way to "see" himself. Man is a mirror in the gnostic view,created so god can see his reflection...albiet in tiny pieces at a looking at shards of a broken mirror...each one of us being a tiny shard but the whole can be discerned by looking at the reflection of all the pieces.


I feel that way about a certain elected politician, but I guess that would be for another forum. ????


Well, you should meet Donald the Trump a wanna be god. Then you might believe.

SamL Level 7 Nov 23, 2017
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