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POLL Study: Elderly Trump voters dying of coronavirus could cost him in November

Moral dilemma: cheer on the governors of states – typically Republican states – to open up early and spread the virus, or condemn them for possibly killing elderly folks who are responsible for electing inept Republican leaders.

Study itself isn't all conclusive with a few issues in methdology, but the demographics they use as the basis are correct.

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1of5 8 Apr 23

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With Uncle Joe as an opponent, DJT can't lose in 2020.

Oh good, another stable genius political analyst.

@1of5 According to the author of a "poll" which includes only leftist answers.


Can't cure stupid. And I can't watch it happen. These are the people who voted for this mess.

Yeah, I'm torn.


Well I like my vote...what can I do....

I'm sure your vote likes you too

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