Are you in a good mood? The instructions above the Content box say to always ask a question to encourage discussion. So, there you go. Myself, I am in a dangerous mood. Not dangerous to other people; there is nobody here, just the pets, but dangerous to my health and my equilibrium.
Actually, I'll quit writing now. I hope you are in a feeling alright, in good health, and kindly disposed toward your fellow beings.
Good night.
I'm in a fairly mellow and flexible mood. I hope you slept out of your 'dangerous' mood. Perhaps go outside and cut down a cherry tree or something.
I will be going outside and bag the branches and leaves from the willow if I can manage. I think a big fire in the backyard will make me happier.
@Spinliesel Oh, that sounds nice. Are you a pyromaniac?
@AstralSmoke I like fires. We used to make fires around this time of the year back home, big ones with stuff we collected from neighbors. In the fall, the farmers would burn off their fields. that was not so much fun, more smoke than flame. I would never start a fire out of maliciousness but I like the process of gathering stuff to burn, then controlling the flame and then spreading the ashes.
@Spinliesel I remember the fires in Germany in late autumn, early winter. I'm sure you know the tradition I am referring to, where they have fires scattered across the countryside. Really cool and the atmosphere was great as well. I like fires as well, usually on campfire scale.
The pyromaniac question came from you being in a dangerous mood.
@AstralSmoke Oh, you reminded me of the fires where we burnt the potato plants after harvesting the spuds. Sometimes we threw in some potatoes and ate them on a stick, peeling off the burnt skin.
@Spinliesel That sounds fun and tasty.
@Spinliesel What a fun memory.
Great question, Spinliesel. Yes, I'm in a good mood and like some other responses, I usually am. I am kind of driven to be in a good mood and always try to feel good about myself. I'm always doing things so that I can feel the sense of accomplishment. Also, I'm never bored. I always try new things. I don't accept the status quo. The pandemic probably hit everyone at a bad time, and for me i was just starting to establish myself here in St. Pete mainly through and for the first time in my life am enjoying friendships particularly females which i never had before. My relationship was always limited to my partner.
So now with the stay-at-home orders, I've brought my guitar back out and am more adept at it then ever before, I bought an on-line course that I'm following and always have it to look forward to the next day.
I brought my drone out of mothballs and am honing my skills with it. I bake and cook mostly to give to others cause I get a kick out of that and I'm never without a book or audiobook that I look forward to experiencing. On Monday, I'm driving up to Navarre to get my model train out of storage and am going to get it operating again.
I'm a regular contributor to and look forward to the developing thread. In the last couple of weeks I've posted items on Ebay and I really like the feedback you get from bids coming in. Chaching!
Physical fitness and athletic accomplishments are important to me. I have a TRX system set up at home and work out on it a couple of times a week. I have to convince myself to get out there but I know that the feel good I'll get from finishing it will be rewarding. I'm lucky to be a fan of golf which is still available here. I go by my myself and usually finish a round with a few good shots that I'll ruminate on for a few days. I'm also fortunate to have a female friend who lives in a condo with open tennis courts and we play a couple of times a week. That gives me a huge boost.
Also, I have a 3 year old Westie who is an absolute JOY to be around. I'm so fortunate to have her in my life and that is reinforced when I hear the pain others have from their missing pets.
I guess the most important aspect of my consistent good mood is my discipline to JUST DO IT.
How are you dangerous to your health and equilibrium? Alcohol?
The major theme of my life is discipline and kindness. Now, in the late stages of type 1 diabetes, I have to struggle with pain and disability. These last four weeks have revved up those two conditions. I am constantly confronted with my inability to feel things -not in my heart and mind but in my fingers, feet, and gut. I call it endstage diabetes. My doctor hates that term. It makes him feel helpless, I think. Everything I used to love doing now is impossible and comes with a price. The price is pain and broken dishes.
I think I overdid the raking in the front yard yesterday.
I do not want to be so short-tempered and miserable. I babysit my granddaughter 50 hours a week. She is 10 and a Type 1 diabetic, like myself. I have to set a good example, but I often fail because I am exhausted. Exhaustion means more pain, and there you go - a dangerous mood at the end of a week.
Self Discipline, the motto of the day.
Be well.
@Spinliesel Wow, you hide it well.
Well, I started to call you a saint but chose TROOPER instead.
I'm almost ALWAYS in a good mood! I suspect I usually have a little more of that natural serotonin and dopamine stuff running around in my blood. Takes a little more than a worldwide pandemic and economic collapse to ruin my day! My dogs are a big part of my secret. The rest is still a secret to me, too.
I’m doing a bit better. Still missing chihuahua Matilda who passed in November, and Madeline, who I re-homed two weeks ago. It’s just me here. I’m trying to hang in and keep myself busy.
Oh, I feel your sorrow. My chi Chico died of old age last month. He is buried beneath a clump of snowdrops by the big willow. Sometimes, I can still see him in his basket.
@Spinliesel I’m so sorry for your loss. It took three months before I stopped looking for her in the bed before I turned over. She always was down at my feet or behind my knees. If I didn’t wake up fast enough for her, she’d stand on my hip and bark. I miss her every day.
I'm not in a bad mood, just kinda sad. Not my best day at work, I have lots of those. Can't see my grands. This too shall pass and I've always managed to get through before.