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There are some people who minimize the seriousness of the COVID-19 outbreak by comparing it — without data, just Dunning-Kruger effects — to deaths from other causes. Here are some numbers. []

ToolGuy 9 Apr 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Informative & timely. Thanks!


The W model is very concerning. If this works out we are in for a rough year. And lots of more deaths. The stupid factor needs to be entered as a variable also.


We are a little ahead of you on the curve in the UK, and for a while last week Covid was killing more people, than all other causes put together, doubling the death rate.


Interesting. It puts the death rates in perspective to hear of it surpassing death from heart disease. Truly a large scale killer. "about 4.4% of those diagnosed with the disease dying from it." I think the death rate is lower than 4.4%, because the number of positive cases is much, much higher than the diagnosed number. I don't know if government officials are talking about that, but a higher death rate was also first mentioned in China until more and more testing was done and numbers were brought down. The same is happening here, I believe.

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