A No Brainer
I was on Facebook the other day and noticed a comment from a gentleman stating that both Political Parties are no different from one another so voting, seemingly, is a wasted endeavor. Now any even slightly astute observer knows that this not true, but in the Internet world this notion seems to persist. What I do not understand is how one cannot see the difference.
One Party wants voting to be easy for the citizens. The other consistently tries to make voting more difficult to limit the voters that might not vote for them. In the recent Wisconsin election the Governor wanted to delay the election due to the growing pandemic presumably till mail in voting can be established or some other means of voting safely can be done. The Legislature overrode the Governor’s delay thereby forcing their citizens to risk their lives to exercise their right to vote. That people might die seems not to concern them.
One Party wants workers to make a ‘living wage’ as opposed to a minimum wage. The other seems hell bent on keeping a lid on wages no matter the suffering it causes.
One Party wants all citizens to have healthcare. The other wants to continue to use the health of our citizens as a money making venture, again leaving those at the lower end of the economy to twist in the healthcare wind.
Some members of one Party think a Universal Basic Income would improve the lives of all our citizens and would end abject poverty in America. The other is worried that without the threat of starvation, people would not work despite clear evidence to the contrary. Considering the current situation, a UBI coupled with Universal Healthcare would put our citizens in a far better situation than they are now. It would bring financial freedom long yearned for by millions of our citizens.
So, it seems the two Parties are not the same. Clearly, one has the interests of the majority of our citizens at heart and the other is devoted to looking out for those who are already doing well and are willing to risk the wellbeing of the country to maintain their position and power.
I don’t know about you but it is certainly obvious to this citizen that one Party is far different than the other. Seems like a no brainer to me!
Couldn’t get through all that ...but will assume I agree.. After purging itself of their impure Moderates, the Republican party has found itself in a serious minority. To counter that, they’ve a well-funded on-going Voter Apathy campaign … that meshes well with their tried & true Voter Intimidation & Suppression campaigns.
Anyone claiming there’s no difference has either fallen for Nader’s nonsense of decades ago, or bought the current Republican line..
Here’s how it works: discourage voters; ‘both parties are the same,’ 'politicians are all evil,’ ‘your vote doesn't count,’ ‘the system’s rigged’... Then - they spark ‘their voters’ with the fear of: gays, the loss of their gods, or their guns. That usually does it.
Their folks march to the polls, vote for Republicans, Republicans further Gerrymander districts, pack the courts, cut industrial regulations, break treaties, give tax breaks to the wealthy, ignore legislative rules, deny healthcare, defund public education, fund unlimited military expenditures…. And that’s only the obvious...
With each Republican win it becomes more difficult for Democrats to become elected without using similar tactics … so both parties are described as ‘the same’ … by the same powers that had proclaimed that to begin with ...and our Democracy decays.. China grins, Russia wets their pants with glee.. and the world becomes less safe for all democracies
The democrats are very keen on making voting easy and accessible because they know that high turn out bodes well for them. on the other hand, it is the opposite during primaries. The establishment realizes that high turnout is positive for populist candidates and not so good for their preferred choices. So they do things like close polling places that are in low income neighborhoods and near college campuses. Most states keep their primaries closed because they don't want independents voting for anti-establishment candidates. They want to keep the voting pool as loyal as possible. And then there is the issue of super-delegates. That's just about the most disrespectful thing a party can do to it's voters. It's like saying- We see your votes but we reserve the right to disregard your preferences and override your will if you choose wrong.
I don't think you are correct when you say the democrats want there to be a living wage. Some of them do, but the party generally doesn't. If they did, they would have raised the minimum wage to a living wage in 2009 when they had full control. Recently, Sanders has gotten many of them to support $15 minimum wage but I don't think most of them are dedicated to it. I think it's just lip services. I haven't seen the democrats actually fight for this at all.
I think the parties have much more in common than it appears. Both are imperialist are supporting of constantly increasing the enormous military budget and feeding the military industrial complex. Both take a tough on crime approach and are okay with mass incarceration. Both favor corporate socialism but always ask, how will we pay for it, when confronted with any idea that might actually help regular people. Both are in favor of for profit healthcare. Both take the side of fossil fuel companies over environmentalists. And both are in favor of continuing the disastrous drug war rather than taking a rational treatment approach to addiction.
The way I see it is that,they are two wings of the same party. Republicans are the far right wing and democrats are the center right wing. There are some differences but they mainly agree on most things. It may look as though the democrats disagree and oppose the republicans but I'm learning more and more that the democrats put up a front of liberalism but then, behind the scenes, cave to the republicans and let them have their way. they don't fight for us. They are bought by the same corporate elites and their function is to pretend to be on our side and then betray us to the right wingers at nearly every turn and then act like they did the best they could. Their function is to capture the enthusiasm and energy of the left and then squander it purposefully.
In 2009 the focus was on healthcare. The blowback was bad enough that the people gave control of Congress to Republicans. Hell even with full control by Dems no republicans that I know of voted for the healthcare bill even though it was the Republican plan put in place in Mass. by then Gov Romney! Well yes some Dems but not all support a living wage but for sure no Republicans do! What they would like to do and what can get done are 2 different things.
Dem party platform 2016 [nj.com]
The focus was on healthcare and they failed. As you said, we got conservative Romneycare and still republicans didn't support it. So why didn't they go ahead and pass a rational single payer system? They are on the side of the for profit insurers more so than us the people.
The differences are not so stark as you present them. For example: Democrats have fought and won to retain the employer-based health insurance system, leaving 10’s of millions uninsured and underinsured. Remember Hillary declaring in a 2016 debate that single payer “will never happen.” I can name so many more examples of Democrats opposing policies that they seem to support or express support for but in fact side with the corporatists at every turn. So two more examples:
Democrats in the Senate have overwhelmingly voted to confirm Trump’s judges—more than 30 yea votes for his latest nominee in the Florida district court
House Democrats, who are now in the majority, wrote a bill to hand the Trump administration $4.5 billion to expand immigrant detention centers, transportation, and child extraction with virtually no oversight of how immigrants are treated or how the money is spent. It was an abominable bill that Trump signed into law. When I protested at my Democratic Congresswoman’s office to demand she speak out against immigrant abuse, she called the police to have me taken away. Maybe worse, Democrats in my district—constituents like me—attacked me for daring to hold my elected representative accountable for her vote.
I could go on but my words will fall on deaf ears.
And this is exactly why I can't take seriously people who tell me that I must vote for Status Quo Joe because Trump is soooooo bad. If he's so bad, why don't the democrats use the power they have by controlling the House to actually oppose him? They don't oppose him because they are basically the same. The differences are minor and mainly a matter of appearances.
@RoboGraham I agree with you. Imagine House Democrats increasing defense spending even beyond what Trump and the Pentagon asked for. You addressed imperialism in your post, and many other egregious examples of Democrats’ being complicit in corporate-capitalist governance. What the hell good is it to have a Democratic majority if they’re ignoring poor and working class people and wreaking havoc around the world?
Here are 10 differences in platforms-- [nj.com]
We don't have an opposition party. I wish more people would realize that and either force the democrats to actually work for the people or support some other party which can replace them and actually function as an opposition.
Either way, the best course of action is to withhold our votes from the democrats and make it clear to them that we will not support them if they do not support us.
@RoboGraham Unfortunately Democratic voters do not hold their elected representatives accountable. When I have, which I do often, I’ve been accused of dividing the Party and, therefore, being responsible for Trump. I’m a lifelong Democrat but will change my affiliation to independent as soon as my primary vote for Bernie is counted.
@Msgtthomyv Take a critical look at the list, at actual policies and what most Democrats including Biden actually run on and how they govern. Only on abortion and same-sex marriage do Democrats differ substantially from Republicans.
Same here. I am creating a circular firing squad, they say. How can we improve if we do not criticize our leaders and make sure they do what's right? I will also be leaving this party after the primary is finally all said and done.
For most of those 10 policies, democrats differ from republicans on the surface but when it gets down to the nitty gritty, they are on the side of wall street, they don't support the green new deal, they take the same bribes from the same big donors, they are very restrictive in primary voting, they support Israel, and they are not supportive of med4all.
Democrats are better than republicans on these issues but not by much.
(not disagreeing that there are Dem/Repub differences)
The WI SC ruling was based on WI State Law -- seemed to me the only ruling they could make.