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LINK Title IX: Coaches not required to report sexual misconduct

in light of all the scandals in recent years and the "Me Too" movement, it seems that Team Trump thinks America was better when sexual abuse victims had to suffer in silence.

snytiger6 9 May 10

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I'm wondering if - somewhere in Betsy DeVoss's world - was some very rich family friend whose son sexually assaulted some girl and everything but the kitchen sink was thrown at the case to make it go away. So her take on things now is -- if it doesn't ever get reported, no one will have to spend money protecting their entitled, spoiled, perverted little boys.....cause you know - you wanna ruin this kids whole life over something like this? We've all heard it: He's a good kid.... Boys will be boys, blah blah blah. What about the girl's life that will never be quite right? Well, she's just a little tramp who wore her skirt too short so she kinda was asking for it, right?
Oh and BTW - I'm the mother of two boys so there is no inherent bias in my observations.....I've heard all the arguments from both sides. In the end I suppose its up to parents to teach their kids right from wrong - because society is certainly not equipped to do it. 😟

I would not doubt it may have happened in her own, even if extended, family.

It is generally true that the rich do not think they should ever be held accountable for their actions, so perhaps she is must planning for the future?

Yes.....Amway $$$$ have been very, very good to her. I've had several friends and family members who were sucked up by the Amway cult and group think. I saw first hand how it destroyed lives, marriages, etc.


Oh wow . Eeewww .


This will quickly be reversed when Trump is not re-elected 🙂

I hope so. a part of me is wondering if the reason behind Trump's pathetic res0onse to the pandemic is that he wants an excuse to try to cancel the elections. He is pushing to reopen the country, while the death tolls still rising. I am just saying I wou not put it past hinm to deliberately let the pandemic get worse in the U.S. as a way to try to stay in power by delcaign an emergency and cancelling the election.

@snytiger6 He might try, but federal elections are Constitutionally mandated. 😛

@FearlessFly Tump hasn't really paid attention to the constitution or the rule of law so far. If he did try it, I don't expect he would succeed ... but then I didn6t' think enough people would be dumb enough to vote for him int he first place.

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