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LINK Pentecostal Christians Are Burning Australia’s Sacred Aboriginal Objects | Michael Stone

I don't think the so called "christian enlightenment" really worked.

snytiger6 9 May 11

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Yeah, that crap started about the same time Folau idiot was going through the Courts.
I reckon they should get those Pentecostaloons and make them destroy their 'heritage' just as they have forced the Aboriginals to do with theirs.


Old news. A few aborigines have burned their old religious symbols. It’s their decision to make.

You do realize that the Australian Aboriginal Heritage can be dated back to at least 40,000 year ago.
That IS some 39,400+ years before the U.S.A. was INVADED by Europeans btw.
Their Culture and Heritage IS the oldest Living Culture and Heritage on this planet and SHOULD be conserved, not destroyed by the sick whims of some dreamed up Middle Eastern Religion like the Non-Indigenous Americans have done to the Indigenous Natives of almost ALL of both parts of the American Continents.

@Triphid Yes, I do know that, but their living culture and heritage was already thoroughly demolished years ago.

You can not make someone cling to their religious traditions if they choose otherwise. I am just as disgusted as you by Christian missionaries,, but each person has to decide for himself. I can fully understand the sentiments of those who destroyed their old religious objects. They expressed great relief at no longer being burdened by the tiresome old ceremonies and rituals.

Maybe Christianity will be a mere stepping stone to that glorious and vaunted status of atheism. 😟

Actually, the only religion anyone needs is deep awareness, awe and reverence for each conscious moment, and a realization that the ephemeral sense-world is illusory. It seems to me that the Aborigines are on track with their dream-time concept, and their uncanny esp ability. I expect some of them will keep alive the crux of their religious insight. Mere religious ceremonies and icons are nothing but symbolic fluff, worth nothing.

@WilliamFleming No, not really, there still are many tribes/clans living as they did long, long before Europeans arrived here.
There are also those 'coconut types', unfortunately, who claim to cling to their Indigenous Heritage for the convenience of it and the 'extra' benefits they get from it.
So the Australian Aboriginal Culture and Heritage of some 40,000+ years ago is still alive and kicking.
And ,you are talking to an Aussie who has Aboriginal blood fromtwo separate clans/tribes within him PLUS both Cherokee and Navajo blood and European blood ( from many Ethnicities as well).

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