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FBI serves search warrant on Sen. Richard Burr amid stock trading.


PondartIncbendog 8 May 13

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We really need to start sending strong messages. Perhaps republicans are feeling they are vulnerable during these times and need to clean house.


trump & Barr will see that goes nowhere..

Varn Level 8 May 14, 2020

Same exact thing Martha Stewart did jail time for, by a factor of 1,000.


Gotta hold all those who do it responsible for their actions. We don't need unethical leaders. Without any repercussions, if one side does it, then the other side might as well do it too, which has happened, though not to such a degree.


I hope that they prosecute him.

I hope they BBQ him and eat him.


This is nothing new. They do it all the time and are never held accountable

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