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Well, I suppose it HAD to happen some time.
Walked past the local Looney's house, not the Evangelidiot's btw, and there he was loading full cartons of Corona Beer into his trailer.
Silly of me I know, but curiosity got the better of me and casual asked what he doing with all that beer.
With his reply and the utter shock of it you could knocked me down with a feather, " I don't want to catch this bloody corona virus so I'm dumping this lot and buying Tooheys instead, much safer and no corona in it."
Where are the squirrels when you need them with 'nuts' like that around?

Triphid 9 May 19

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Did you offer to dispose of the beer yourself?

That was my first thought, too! 🙂

Not much of Beer drinker myself, much prefer either a GOOD Scotch or a Vodka any day to beer.


The sun has a corona, maybe you should tell him not to go out in daylight.


".........into his trailer." There's a key clue. Let me ask....does he have more than two teeth?

Yeah, he has quite a few but his dental hygeine leaves a lot to be desired, when he opens his mouth it looks like a row of tombstones covered in green moss, etc.
Perhaps I should explain the Aussie terminolgy regarding 'trailers' versus the American term 'trailers,

  1. a Trailer in Australia is any box-shaped, open topped single or double axled vehicle that can be towed behind a car, Ute or truck that is used to haul loads in, they can range from 6' x 4' up to the big ones towed behind Prime Movers,
  2. What Americans call a Trailer, i.e. a Mobile home, we call Caravans.

@Triphid I'd forgotten that, Triphid....thanks.

@LucyLoohoo No probs, none at all.


You really should start getting us some video of this crazy shit! Your crazy neighbors! lmao 😀

Not really a 'neighbour' in the true sense of the word, thankfully.


Are you making this neighbor up? He can’t be real! 😂

Oh, trust me his REAL and thankfully he lives about 2 kilometres away from my house.
Just a wee sinister thought, I wonder what would happen if the local Looney and my Evangelidiot neighbour got together.

@Triphid You'd have no hope....

@Bierbasstard Out here in the Aussie Outback we call 'Toohey's Draught Beer' " Love on a Raft" because it is 'fucking near water,' i.e, it is weak, watery and disgusting just like Fosters Beer is.

@Bierbasstard Can't, only had the loan of it from Whizz kid as a trila run of it unfortunately.


I've heard of several people doing this, & I just cannot fathom how absolutely idiotic people are!!!!!

Oh shit, and here's me thinking we had the only one in the world...LOL.

@Triphid Nope, it's in a few places.

@Lilac-Jade Ahhh, thanks, good to know.
Any chance we can import a few hundred Squirrels into Australia?

@Triphid I can ask the ones who live in our back yard if you like.

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