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LINK Audubon Statement on Incident in Central Park’s Ramble | Audubon

From the Audubon Society: We are grateful Christian Cooper is safe. He takes great delight in sharing New York City’s birds with others and serves as a board member of the New York City Audubon Society, where he promotes conservation of New York City’s outdoor spaces and inclusion of all people.”

HippieChick58 9 May 27

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I would also have told that woman to leash her an older white woman, I would have removed the dog as she was choking it! I wonder what she would have told 911 then...?

The dog been seize by the humane society for animal cruelty..πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ’—


That stupid Amy Cooper's outrageous behavior deserves a bigger punishment. Just getting fired from a job is not enough. She should have been arrested for filing a false police report, animal cruelty, and being a racist asshole.

But under the Consitution she has the right to be a racist asshole. Of course that led to the false report to the police. Freedom and the rights we are granted in this country come with great responsibility and conseguences. All she needed to do was put the dog on it's leash.

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