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religious people threaten me

i am being harassed by a iraqi man who tried and almost won by reverting me to islam . he is threatening me along with my husbands sister who has said to get rid of me cause im not a mennonite like them.they are epitome of crap. what can i legally do

susu1738 3 May 28

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So a man almost convinced you to revert (from atheist back to muslim) and your sister inlaw thinks you are eirher still a muslim or an agnostic/atheist. Correct?

Here's my recommendation:

  1. Take classes in self defense/martial arts and purchase a mace spray.
  2. Tell your husband what your sister is saying and tell him if she questions anything that is none of her business again she is banned from visiting your home.
  3. Tell the sister "don't EVER talk to me like that, or I'll shave your hair off while you sleep. Mind your own business."
  4. Tell your husband about the arguing man too, but tell him you will take care of it.
  5. The next time that man bothers you tell him to stop harrassing you and that you no longer want to talk to him. If he persists, spray the mace spray in his eyes, call the police and take out a restraining order.
  6. If that man bothers you again, call the police.

Your beliefs are your own. Your are entitled to change to whatever you want whenever you want for whatever reason you want. And you can tell everybody who think otherwise to shove off.

Solid advice 👍🏽


Give him a gift! Buy a 10 pound bag of sugar. Save 8 pounds in a Ziplock bag for use at home and just drop off the bag with 2 pounds left in it beside his gas cap... Don't put it in the tank... Just leave it beside the car. If he knows what that means he will tow his car to the service station and have his gas tank drained and cleaned.... Needlessly.

  • OR -

Give him a gift! A locking gas cap! Install it on his car for him... Then throw away the key!

You're welcome!

If they ever bring it up in conversation... Just tell them that you find it hard to believe that god (or allah) would allow that to happen!

I have LOTS of others.... (evil laugh)

I love it and would love to hear more .


If you want suggestions you have to significantly clarify what exactly are you claiming. Right now I really don't understand what the threats or harrassment consist of.

yeah I'm in the same boat as you on this Mofo. There's some tricky legalities in this that depend on alot of factors we aren't presented with.

A similar situation with the woman in Central Park accusing a dark skinned American of threatening her when he just told her to leash her dog.


As was mentioned, document all communication, don't initiate or encourage contact or communication. Call the police to ask what you can do. If anyone is threatening you with physical harm, you may be able to get a restraining order. Your options will depend on your local community.


Send him a message of peace and unity, something that shows cooperation between two different views! Oh Glory!

@SeaGreenEyez Definately, but it might get you killed in some parts of the world! (Maybe America too someday, we'll see)

@SeaGreenEyez Yeah, but I want to put it off for as long as I can. Lots to do still! 🙂


Harassment is a crime regardless of the motivation call the police and get yourself a good lawyer.


In Kansas? Report it to the police, file a restraining order. Arm yourself (and I don't mean with the armor of god). Seek legal counsel.


I do not know it is not my county, but there will be people on this site who do, so just hang in there, and you will get help.



Call the police.


Doubt an Iraqi guy is Mennonite but then what would I know!


I've also noticed you haven't replied to any replies here...


Unless you’re being physically threatened DO NOT CALL THE POLICE!! Police will treat him as they do every other person of color, meaning you will put his very life in danger.


If he is actually threatening you with harm, that is one thing, but if he is merely trying to proselytize you, that is another.
A similar situation with the woman in Central Park accusing a dark skinned American of threatening her when he just told her to leash her dog.


What does your husband have to say about this?


I'd suggest calling the cops and asking them what you can legally do or you can try this - -- and talk to a lawyer for $5 for a one week trial.

Cops know little of the law.. Ask a lawyer


I don't know how things work there in the USA but I would definitely go to the police first. That's what I would do here in Ireland.


I suggest killing all of them, use a gruesome method that leaves a graphic message to all that see the bodies. Maybe kill a few innocent bystanders to drive home the point; "I don't want to believe or be fucked with.." Oh sure, you'll probably be tossed in jail for the rest of your life but that is a small price to pay for getting your message across. Conversely, you can just laugh when they threaten you, what are they going to do, pray? Light a candle? Islam has no sway in the nation and Mennonites are just tractor driving Amish, who the hell cares?


Have you stopped taking your meds? And I am Not trying to be funny, you seem very confused. Conversion to Muslim or Mennonite?????

@TheMiddleWay She should just call 911. It's probably even not a true story. Probably not a real profile either. Pretty silly thing for you to get upset about.


There are several different types (denominations) of mennonite. From the most conservative old order to the liberal ones who are more like Friends than the amish.


Simama, please! I read this and you are confusing me.


Respect yourself FIRST, MIDDLE and LAST. Mennonites and Amish are nuts. I live in their summer spawning ground. Sarasota, FL. My youngest, 32, hooked up with one that dropped out of the church, got covered with tatts and piercings and is 15 years older than my son. My issues with her are not the ethnic group ( 300 families immigrated at the same time and have been marrying each other for more than 200 years) or the older or the ugly. She is barren. Never did, now too old . So attend school and get a skill that makes you self supporting. Then LEAVE. Refusing to speak on a subject is your right as a human. Do not waste your only precious life under pressure to conform.


Sounds like religious nonsense but take the advice offered here..


Tell him to leave you alone. Take a video of the encounter. Take that to the police and tell them your concerns. If he tries to bother you again, make a complaint. Or, take a 2x4 and club him on the head.

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