Philosophical question perhaps. If an asteroid was coming to earth, and we knew it would end all life, and you knew the end was in a month. How would you spend that last 30 days? For me, I would probably work on my bucket list. But with so many possibilities I really don’t know. Maybe spend each night with the love of my life, if she’d have me.
There have been several times over the past two decades (remember , for instance the end of 1999 , the world will end at 2000 ?) when we were told someone had strongly advised us that the world was about to end ? We didn't do much of anything , because we didn't believe it . When we have been told a huge asteroid was coming to earth , we decided one of three things would happen . 1. It would sail past earth , with no harm done . 2. It would burn up in our atmosphere . 3. It would likely land in the Pacific Ocean , Antartic , the Artic , Siberia , or some other unpopulated area .
This was a hypothetical situation just for conversation.
@ChrisJones Hypothetically speaking , based on reactions of the past , the vast majority , won't react , beyond , perhaps , making jokes about it .
OK, If there was no way of avoid it, and we are all certainly going to die, I would arrange to be where I could at least get a good view. May as well make the most of my final experience. I would also organise for my kids and close freinds to be with me. Final weeks would be ensuring the end would be pain free for us and our pets.
I may sell as much stuff I got as I can.
Extremely hypothetical and I expect that my answer would be as well. By who's authority would we have it that the end was near?
The big giant asteroid heading towards us has the authority.
I'd just want to be with my kids, hanging out, go through it together. I'd want to spend 30 days in the weather, full sun if that works, lying in the grass chillin'.
I'd go to my farm and tend my plants. Hopefully the asteroid would hit my side of the earth so I'd be vaporized instantly instead of a slower death by suffocation or whatever it is that happens to the other side of the world. I'd want it to happen during the day. Night time can be so lonely.
Find whoever's doing something about it and help in any way I can. It may be pointless, but I can't just hide.
I would get a hold of everyone I should have already gotten a hold of and tell them that I love them. See what I haven't seen? Go where I haven't gone? Please..
Tell the ones you love that you love them..
Then..probably have a few drinks..