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I am contacting the Japanese embassy as soon as I can. I don't know how fast I can get out of this country but I'm getting started. I am a USAF Veteran but I know when to get out. I am half Japanese and I am tired of living in fear. Half the people I see every day are Trump supporters. Move back to the city? Nope. There's no where left to run. Destruction and blood is what they want so let them have it. Like giving a child a toy and watching them destroy it.

PondartIncbendog 8 June 2

Enjoy being online again!

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So sad. If Trump is re-elected I am leaving too. DICTATOR-IN-CHIEF!!!!!!!


I sympathise with your fate.


Hang in there in hopes of it getting better? But you do have a point with Japan. They seem to have it together. Even with the Covid-19, they had fewer cases that we did here in Hawaii, so when we finally open back up to visitors without a mandatory quarantine, there is talk about starting with Japan, not mainland USA. The rest of America will have to get its act together a bit more, before Hawaii wants to welcome them into our state.

I wonder if the Hawaiian people would like an extra Half Japanese living there?

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