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I wish this awakening also extends to where non religious people stop being discriminated or prejudiced against

Huss71 3 June 3

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Actually All lives matter, the problem is that the UNEVOLVED Right always misuses that!


Can you think about more than just yourself? You feel left out? If we are going to add issues, why just the ones that affect you?


It will eventually happen. It's just taking so long.


It's the christians that get whispered about where I live. They are not seen as 'fun'.


Thats adorable


Keep wishing, it's free.


It depends on which country you are living in. Seems to be a big problem in the US. I have not come across it anywhere else in the world that I have traveled to, not even in Islamic countries.

I was in fiji 2 ywars ago and made the mistake of telling one of the waiters at the island hotel I was staying at that I was an atheist, because I was invited to their church service on the sunday. He relabelled me as an antichrist despite me protesting it wasn't the same and suddenly the service there changed. Fortunately I was due to leave a couple of days later.

@Cyklone just another uneducated fanatic

@Jolanta they are extremely religious in fiji. A church every couple of hundred metres. Folau is typical.

@Cyklone Yes, he certainly is a nutter.

@Jolanta and then some 😄


Good luck with that.


To discriminate and prejudge is human. Elimination is impossible.

SO? We shouldn't do what we can to dismantle what we can?

@Krish55 If you wish. What do you propose to dismantle?

@beenthere You have to ask? What do you think the protests are about? Are you defending violent racism with your escapist and irrelevant comments on human nature?

@Krish55 You did not answer the question. It was your proposal.

@beenthere If you have to ask what needs to be changed, you are demonstrating your clueless White Privilege. And as BB King responded when asked what is the blues, "If you have to ask, you'll never know!" Your White Privilege depends on your continuing to Not Want to Know! It was your original diversionary and irrelevant comment about "human nature" that started this. If you want to continue this dialogue honestly, simply acknowledge its lack of pertinence to the original issue of the protests.

@Krish55 Speak for yourself. Such a response is devoid of intellect and useless other than than to inspire hatred or emotion.

@beenthere ...but you haven't refuted it! And still, with your great intelligence, you pretend to not know what needs to be changed. White Privilege!


There is a time and place for that cause, but I do not think this is it. The racial injustice that is being protested against is much much larger. That message needs to be concise, focused and most of all heard.

I agree

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