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I had a really good conversation with a co worker this week. As a consultant, I rarely discuss or even hint at my political or “religious” beliefs, it’s just not the place to do so. But we discussed the protests, she brought it up.

Her daughter is a teacher in New York city and has returned to work, which I knew would cause her concern. The daughter has talked with her about what people choose to read since she is an instructor of literature among other things. Emily Style first brought up this theory. The theory is that people tend to choose either windows or mirrors.

A mirror is a way to build up your own culture and reaffirms your identity. A window is a way of learning about others cultures or other’s experiences. I think this is an important distinction.

I think if people would analyze what they migrate to in their reading choices and explore the possibilities of why they do so could be enlightening. Maybe it would encourage them to open up and read more of the opposite point of view. You could be surprised at what you may learn and it may alter your previously held conviction.

I do read some conservative articles but when I fact check them, I find them mostly full of bs. I fact check most everything….for a reason. If someone else offers a different viewpoint, I sincerely consider it and evaluate it unless it’s spewed “Faux” news channel. That’s not even worth my time.

I have always tended to gravitate to windows. I’ve always been an empath type of person and I’m sure this helped hone it further for me. Teaching me to be even more empathetic to all no matter color, religion, anything.

My reading list is constantly changing and always widely varied. I know that all don’t share my experiences or understand why I may believe something. At least I’m willing to listen to yours without judgment. Not all can say this unfortunately.

Larimar 8 June 6

Enjoy being online again!

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My massage therapist is a very strong Repub, so we can't discuss politics or these protests. I haven't seen her since March and I don't know when or if I will again be a client of hers again. She was able to begin giving massages again last month when the state closure was lifted, but before my appt. came up she found out she was pregnant. My guess is she will not practice massage again until at least after the birth. Who knows also if she will go back to massage again after she has the baby? I will probably call her later this month to see where her head is at and if she is not planning to do massages anytime soon, I will ask her for referrals at least for the time being until she is back to work again.

And we need to know all of this because....?????


I am a great big window and if I don't watch out I may fall out of it or into it.


I am reading and loving the brilliant book, Fascism - A Warning, by Madeline Albright. She draws a direct parallel between Hitler, Mussolini and Donald Trump.

Madeline Albright served as America's 64th Secretary of State, from 1997 to 2001. Her distinguished career also includes positions at the White House, and as a U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

A Jewish immigrant as a child, Madeline Albright fled the Nazis from Czechoslavakia to America during World World II. Over 54 of her family members were murdered by Nazis in concentration camps.

I've read it! Great book. Currently reading George Washington by Ron Chernow and It's Even Worse Than You Think but David Cay Johnston.


As a fellow consultant, in my case marketing, PR and promotions, I receive a myriad of intelligence reports of all kinds which keeps me very well informed of all sides of the political spectrum. Experience and common sense tells me which sources are the mostvreliable and I concur that nowadays most right wing papers are full of shit. Knowledge is power, this prompted me to critically read the "sacred books" of the main religions. This knowledge allows me to cut the shit whenever any brainwashed nutcase attempts to defend their bullshit dogmas. Yet, I must draw the line in either reading, hearing or viewing batshit crap from religion or politics. It is a waste of valuable time when you already know the crap about to be spewed.


Nicely worded. Today I went uptown to the local Christian mission place. It's a store that sells used things for profit and I was looking for some chair cushions I saw there the other day. They had already sold them but I was told they had to hold them 72 hours without anyone touching them to know they are COVID free. I was told this is the policy they follow to protect everyone. BS I said. If that was true you would also be holding all the money the same way and we all know that isn't happening. That money is collected and goes straight to the bank.

One woman there started laughing and told me I got them on that one. She then said she does not believe this virus is even real. I told her it would be hard to get the worlds dying people to just go along with it. Something here is real. I them told her about the 5G scam going on because believers in that claim 5G is causing all this. It's not and believers of it have no logic. This was about the time I had to leave. She was no longer talking to me or wanting to hear me. The poor woman thinks we have a created virus coming from cell phone towers and other wifi devices. Some people want to believe nonsense.

@MissKathleen I consider myself a political activist and the idea is to cause people to think.

Maybe she needs to remove her tin foil hat..

If this pandemic were really caused by 5G cellphone use, then I would be in the clear since I only have a tracphone that I almost never use these days. The tracphone is less than 5G, maybe 3G. I have no doubt this virus is real and that is why I am holed up at home about 95% of my waking hours.


Great article, I'm a mirror fiction reader and 1/2 each on current events. I need to do some.window fiction reading.


Beautifully stated! Thank you 😊


I've often found that bs is in the eye of the beholder. I find fault with both conservative and liberal publications equally when I fact check.

I don't, but then I don't read conservative publications. I actually don't read any liberal publications either. I'm pretty much a fiction window kind of guy.
Just curious, which do you consider liberal publications?

@ronnie40356 I don't have any set thing I read from either side. The Atlantic is a big one on the liberal side.

@redhog I'll take your word for it. If it's really Liberal I may need to check it out😊

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