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4 Steps to Communicate Anything Clearly, According to a Scientist Who Teaches Quantum Physics to Kids

Wonderful! "Imagine a bouncy ball," Walliman begins.

  1. Start by meeting your audience where they’re at.

  2. Don’t lose the plot. Walliman implores you not to “go too far down the rabbit hole.”

  3. Go for clarity over accuracy. "Walliman says when we’re knowledgeable about a topic it’s easy to worry about getting every fact explained perfectly. That can get in the way of comprehension.

  4. Explain why you’re so passionate about your topic. Show your enthusiasm! Enthusiasm is contagious.

Here's the talk:


LiterateHiker 9 June 8

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Sounds good.


I try to avoid going too deep on number two, but often fail. I'm learning though.


It works.


A great read and great advice ,This why somw keynote speakers keep you wide awake thru the whole thing and others have you almost sleeping in you chair with interest lost ,Thanks for Sharing LiterateHiker


Great ideas! When I give a Red Cross class they catch my enthusiasm over the subject matter. I do t teach what I don’t know So I work from my innate knowledge of the subject matter. Good idea not to get down rabbit holes or too much into detail

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