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New fence around the White House becomes a canvas for protesters.

Love it! George Floyd, Black Lives Matter, racial injustice and police reform are all prominent messages.

"The new taller fencing started going up around the White House complex on June 1, after federal officials forcibly cleared a part of the area of peaceful protesters shortly before President Donald Trump toured the area on his way to a church that had suffered fire damage during rioting over the weekend.

"The security measure was also implemented after The New York Times reported, and NBC News confirmed, that the president had been taken to a secure bunker during demonstrations the previous Friday.

"The new fencing, which is 8 to 10 feet tall, obscures views of the White House from the street, but protesters have turned it into a tourist attraction in its own right by hanging numerous signs along it, including some with images of Floyd and others that say "Black Lives Matter" and call for "police reform now."

"Numerous demonstrators and visitors have been posing for pictures in front of the signs."


LiterateHiker 9 June 9

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How long will it take him to remove the fence? lol


Thank you! And thank you for (making the effort to) post/ing the crux of the piece(!) 🙂

I’d spent time in DC, Obama & Biden’s last year… Would ‘walk to the White House,’ for something to do ... ‘sit backwards’ in Lafayette Park watching the action … Lobbyist’s power-walking by in sweltering heat ..and about every issue conceivable peacefully protested outside.

..tried to envision it back in the Eisenhower years, when I was born. Now, a militaristic bunker - with a shit-scared so-called president scurrying to it’s depths.. So glad ..when I was there.. the helicopters were either Obama, Biden, or Decoys... What a hideous mess the Republicans have made 😕

Varn Level 8 June 9, 2020

Great way to turn a perceived problem into an opportunity, especially when it is sure to aggravate him


No matter what he does people always find a way to mock him. This is what's really 'great' about this country.

It's hard NOT to mock him since his thinking is so out of whack..we just expect that whatever he says comes from this framework.


lookin good all the posters that have been posted,,at least some good has become of it


The baby gate

bobwjr Level 10 June 9, 2020

I have heard people referring to it as a " toddler gate"


Donny Dum Dumb is so great in his own demise!


Love it truly ironic

bobwjr Level 10 June 9, 2020
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