The man, identified by police as Jay Snowden, 51, is clearly agitated and becomes increasingly so as the group starts chanting "peaceful!" to drown out his yelling.
Ultimately, Snowden was removed by police and charged with disorderly conduct.
"I saw the fear in his eyes," said Samantha Francine, who is biracial. She sent a gift basket to his wife later that afternoon.
Snowden's wife has an angry, racist husband. The gift basket should stick in his craw. Hahaha!
scarred yes but it is all in thee minds ,we put our own fear in our minds based on our egos,Our egos want to survive but we really do have ccomplete control over them and can put them in place but one has to want to ,Happy no real violence took place,hopefully he will see the light,wonder what his wife reaction was when she received the basket and the inter reaction between her and her husband ?
Poor wife of Snowden with an angry, racist husband.
The gift basket should stick in his craw. Hahaha!
Hope these racist bigots die off soon!
Unfortunately, they will never die off.
@jlynn37 yes, as long as they keep having babies and teaching them to hate another person due to the color of their skin, it will continue.
it is sad how misinformation and fear drive people to violence. As you can see the police with this hand on the man's back, escorted him away and allowed him to driver off.
Looks like the policeman gently patted Snowden on the back.
If Snowden was black, he would have been roughly arrested, beaten and even killed by the police.
Ultimately, Snowden was charged with disorderly conduct, probably due to national news coverage.