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Best Show Ever?

Which show is the best?

  • 32 votes
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  • 4 votes
JakeGlascock 3 Apr 5

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42 comments (26 - 42)

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Al though I dearly love Doctor Who it is not the Game of Thrones. I would put a lot of shows ahead of the other two like Westworld, Criminal Minds, Breaking Bad, The Trailer Park Boys...


I’m a huge A Song if Ice and Fire fan (GoT is almost as good). HOWEVER, How I Met Your Mother is far and away the best. The ending is perfect, period.

Marz Level 7 Apr 5, 2018

"West Wing"

West Wing Bible Lesson.

No vote or fan of any of those shows... but go ahead guys, pick your winner.


I dearly love Mystery Science Theater 3000. There are several others, but I want to put in a plug for Becker, too.


Breaking Bad

ebdb Level 7 Apr 9, 2018

Game of thrones has to be my all time favourite. With all the twists and turns it just keeps me on the edge of my seat.


Doctor Who all the way. I have see all the episodes including the classics ... ^_^


I just can't decide between West Wing and Game of Thrones. They are very different shows and goth great in different ways.




There are others I can think of. MASH or All in the family for example. Survivor is the show I detest most. Obviously I don't watch it.

I love MASH and All in the Family. I also love Cheers, Becker, and Mystery Science Theater 3000. Reality shows are mostly junk


None of the above.


Never seen any of them. Missed out on West Wing.


Doctor Who has been questionable since the christoper eccelston reboot. He was an OK doctor, Tennant was decent. Smith annoyed me and Capaldi while a brilliant actor did not fit the role for me. Writing very inconsistent during Capaldi as well.


My all time favorite show: Fringe

I loved Fringe until the last season, which I just couldn't get into.

@memorylikeasieve that usually happens when a show is ending too soon or goes too long.

My step daughter was pregnant while binge-watching Fringe 4 years ago. She loved it so much she named my granddaughter Olivia.


Could never get into Dr. Who, and most shows people like to call "the best". Don't have a favorite of all time, but Game of Thrones and the Sopranos, are among the ones I've a fondness for. I was also a big fan of Justified.


The Wire and The Bridge

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