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LINK Hundreds of Thousands Sign Petitions Urging the U.S. Government to Declare KKK a Terrorist Group

Hundreds of thousands of people are demanding that the Ku Klux Klan be listed as a terrorist organization, with several online petitions rapidly gaining support.

snytiger6 9 June 10

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Oh, its it 1960? A little late. Is this free speech supression? Or a known terrorist group with a long history?


They should have been declared one decades ago.


KKK leader in Virginia drove his truck into a group of protesters. Trump without any evidence calls Antifa terrorist. Sadly he will never designate the KKK as a terrorist organization. He won't bite the hand that feeds him. They are among his biggest supporters.

barjoe Level 9 June 10, 2020

@LetzGetReal So what did you say that changes anything? This is a social network. People post comments. I signed your petition and gave my $7. You understand what I am saying. What are you saying?

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