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LINK Very interesting (and funny)! Morality without religion | Frans de Waal | TEDxPeachtree - YouTube

"Human morality is older than our current religion."

I watched this video with great interest. (It's also very funny.)

What do you think?

Jetty 7 June 11

Enjoy being online again!

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This is very interesting indeed


I have read a related book of his, "The Bonobo and the Atheist, In search of Humanism Among the Primates," and loved it.
Toddlers, who have as yet no language skills, have been shown to have a sense of fairness, and of empathy, in tests by psychologists, using cartoon-like images. They, also, have not been exposed to religious thinking!


yeps my time zone when


I feel a lot like the monkey that gets the cucumber.

. . . or you might consider that morality without religion is a like a "fine wine" (or pick another metaphor). 😮

@FearlessFly In my case, the religious one gets the grapes. Go figure.

@PossiblyNuts . . . now that I think of it, they are chimps not monkeys.
I can't think of research showing non-humans being "religious" 😛

@FearlessFly The capuchins are not chimps.

@BirdMan1 I stand corrected.


I have occaisionally (not recently) attend a local Meetup group "Does God Exist". It is run by an otherwise likeable guy who is hardcore Catholic apologist (a defender of the faith). Typically there are as many non-believers attending as belivers. The 'discussions' are typically philosophical and interesting. I recall him 'positing' that without religion ethics/morality, "hedonism" would likely prevail.

I just posted this TED talk on that Meetup Group as fairly strong evidence to the contrary. 🙂

Good on you.

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