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Should we ban the KKK and confederate flag in public?

PondartIncbendog 8 June 11

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There is no reason to allow KKK rallies. Let them meet in their homes if they think it is so important. Our public does not need to be exposed to the Klan.

As for the Confederate battle flag, people have stupid ideas of why they are showing it. Many who fly and display it are not even in areas of the South. Songs keep popping up saying "the South is gonna do it again." Do what? Lose a war or maybe want their slaves back. Why do people want this when you can openly see the history of it?


I personally think the KKK are terrorists. If they do something illegal, then they get the treatment of the system just like everyone else. The Flags are just ridiculous, if they want to support a former traitorous population then I guess that would be freedom of speech.


It's a good start that they're going to rename army forts that were named after ten confederate generals who fought against the U.S. Why glorify or honor THEM? It's not like they won or anything.


As for the confederate flag, I see no reason it should be displayed anywhere outside of museums and books.

As for the KKK, first they should be identified as a terrorist organization by the NSA, and then they should be banned.


Yes. We should have done it long ago, but allowed it to flourish in the mistaken name of free speech.

Lauren Level 8 June 11, 2020

Leaning towards yes on this one.


I'm in agreement with @seenoevil9620. Though I'm sure that's not the legally appropriate answer, I cannot come up with a single way their existence does anything outside of perpetuate hate. Time to put the hammer down on that club for good.

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