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LINK Cops arrest man for filming them and then kill his dog - YouTube

Man arrested for filming cops they kill his dog

bobwjr 10 June 14

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I almost wish there was a Hell sometimes. Evil beyond belief.

Gareth Level 7 June 15, 2020

Oh no.....they didn't deserve this.. these cops have gone insane...monsters.. 😠 and that poor dog.. it just wanted to protect its family..😭


America, land of the free? This man did nothing to deserve being arrested... and then to see his dog being killed!

What is WRONG with these people??

That was so upsetting.

Athena Level 8 June 15, 2020

Holy crap!


I can't watch.


Looks like there need to be a person with a high powered rifle on top of a tall building watching out for the police to do shit like this. John Wick to the rescue.


F**kin cops

t1nick Level 8 June 14, 2020
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