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It's June 17 and I just had to turn on some heat in the house. How's the weather in your neck of the woods?

SlippingBeauty 6 June 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Best weather on the planet, here on Kauai, in my opinion. 82 degrees, mostly sunny, light tradewinds, most of the day, down to 73 degrees at night. Just lovely weather this week. No need for AC, and don't have a heater.


Last night was my first night with all windows open and no blanket.


Near Charlotte, NC, last few days have been cool—60’s during the day, mid-50’s at night. Lots of rain. It feels good, though. My windows are open, loving the cool air. Usually by mid June, it’s as hot as the hammered-down hinges of Hades. With matching humidity.
I’m enjoying this cold front!


Weird, hot, cold extreme thunder storms after weeks of drought


Finally broke into the (mid)70's at Puget Sound...


Ky is having spectacular weather! Low humidity, temps in the low eighties, down to low 60s at night. No rain for a change.

@SlippingBeauty It is 🙂


I;ve been sick all week, so I feel cold, but it is in the upper 90s outside.

Sorry to learn that Glenn. Get well soon. Have you seen the Dr? Word??

@freeofgod, @SlippingBeauty Sinus infection, the pollen has been rough on me this year. I spent several hours outdoors on Sunday without taking my sinus meds. I have an appointment Friday, but if this is true to form, I'll be OK by then.

@glennlab I understand that. Pollen is off the charts here.

@glennlab Hope you feel better soon!

@MichelleGar1 thanks, I'm kind of on the mend.

@glennlab That's good news!

@MichelleGar1 about to move 4 feet from my computer to my recliner and zone in and out until bedtime.

@glennlab Nice!


Sunny and hot here in my part of Texas. About 96°F and rather beautiful.

Lauren Level 8 June 17, 2020

Good question 🙂 Down (and over) here, it’s not only cold - it’s wet! Weird weather - with arms of heavy rain sweeping across us from the East! I’ll hunker down comfortably, though have refused to turn on the heat, as I tell people, ‘this is Oregon weather.’

After three days of it, folks in my new neck of the woods are ready to die 😉 I then tell em, you should try three weeks -- or three months of this! Hit my ‘human rain limit’ twenty years ago out West ..and admit to having gotten a bit spoiled by sunshine on ‘the blue ridge.’ Oh, I’ll also tell em … in the middle of a pure blue sky & sunshine day - with no humidity - ‘this’ - ‘is an Oregon day’ ~

Varn Level 8 June 17, 2020

Here in KY we have had record breaking rains the last two winters. It just stopped raining about ten days ago.


Damned cold. I thought about closin’ the door but didn’t want to get up.

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