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The Racist Origins of Marijuana Prohibition

"Harry Anslinger took the scientifically unsupported idea of marijuana as a violence-inducing drug, connected it to black and Hispanic people, and created a perfect package of terror to sell to the American media and public. By emphasizing the Spanish word marihuana instead of cannabis, he created a strong association between the drug and the newly arrived Mexican immigrants who helped popularize it in the States. He also created a narrative around the idea that cannabis made black people forget their place in society. He pushed the idea that jazz was evil music created by people under the influence of marijuana."

(Video and Transcript)

Fred_Snerd 8 June 17

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Anslinger was an evil monster


I have seen "Reefer Madness" -- very 'campy' 😮

@Fred_Snerd The whole POINT was watching-while-high. 😮

@Fred_Snerd Since I have seen so many movies, I had to look-it-up -- don't think so. I'm not keen on 'horror' movies. Perhaps I should give this David Lynch work another look.

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