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Isn't it so annoying when a religious person tells you," you're taking it out of context?"

EmeraldJewel 7 Nov 24

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I'd ask them how do they know? Considering that the Bible has been translated, without regard to the cultural contexts in which it was written, how would they know what the proper context was? This is especially true when you consider that some concepts just cannot be translated from one language to another without beign greatly altered in meaning.


Taking what out of context?
All 3 of the main monotheistic religions believe that their 'moral practices' are derived from (very similar) holy books that all strongly promote the subjugation of women, ethnic minorities and other religions.
I have challenged 2 people on this point thus far and both answers were the same; "of course I don't condone that in this day and age".
How then did you come to decide to ignore what the holy book told you on moral grounds? Surely it is your own decision, your own morals that you rely on? Not religion?
I digress however the point is, religious beliefs are only ever 'out of context'. I think the 2nd person saw logic in my argument which would explain why he changed the topic to 'intelligent design'. That conversation, however, is for another forum 😉


I've read the bible twice. I've read several books both religious and not about the bible. I know more about their religion than they do, and I'll tell you they take it out of context a bunch.

It is sad when non-religious know the religious people's bible better than them. A lot of them are even unaware about the story about jephthah and his daughter.


Agreed. Particularly when you point out that God not only doesn't condemn but also condones slavery in the Old Testament. They'll brush it off by saying it's only for seven years and that it's only indentured servitude, but that rule only applies to your fellow Jews. Non-Jewish slaves are permanent and, according to Exodus 21, they are considered property that can be passed down to your children.

Wow! Don't even get me started on that. Lol none of them can ever answer my question when I ask," why did God create Adam and Eve if he knew in advance they were going to eat of the forbidden tree." I've yet to receive an answer from any of them.


Im sure it is. Im not a bible scholar so i can't compete with their answers. What i can say is prove it and show me. All they have are words written by man. Theres nothing magical going on that can't be explained. Science explains everything...


I thought all quotes were taken out of context


I've learned not to argue scripture, that road is rocky with endless rationalizations. Some people believe in what they want regardless of the facts, or in spite of them.


I absolutely hate it. It does not make sence at all cos they do like that all the time. No logic at all


Never really been told this.
I simply ask them to explain in what context God sending bears to eat children (for making fun of his Prophet's bald head) is a kind of loving God we should listen too.
Or how they know that tattoos and shellfish are fine, but being gay is not.
And why when he sent the Noah flood, he drowned all the innocent animals. They'd done nothing wrong, but God didn't take them up to heaven (or wipe out humans with a plague).

Allan Level 5 Nov 24, 2017

A sick book for sure! I had a Christian tell me God sent those two bears cause he had to make a point to show people not to make fun of a Prophet, due to how serious it was. I didn't say no more to her after that.


In what context would it be less horrible?

Zster Level 8 Nov 24, 2017

I like to ask "in what context would that be acceptable?" or "then, what is the context?" if they can't answer, then they weren't even trying to make a point, they just wanted to dismiss your argument easily.


Turn the argument back to him o her by asking, "Explain. In what way am I taking that out of context.?" Challenge the challenger.

I'll do that next time!!!Thank you!

Hope it works!


Why did their supposed god make the damn bible so confusing and hard to understand then?
If it can be interpreted a hundred different ways, what good is it anyway?

Either that God didn't want to be understood or the people who wrote it wanted to make it to where it'd be impossible to enter heaven, due to how complex the bible is. Either eat, the bible is trash cause God set humanity up to fail from day one.


It's also often ironic, because they're the ones who take many things out of context.

We all know what Moses was really doing, tripping his back out, near that burning bush :'😉

@Joe420 Yup. The bush wasn't burning, Moses was just blazed.

'Amen brother'

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