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Admitting when you’re wrong..

It is said that America is suffering an epidemic of infallibility and I agree, but I don’t think the problem applies only to Americans.

I think this is a human issue.

People have a hard time admitting when they’re wrong, as if doing so is a weakness, and it has resulted in division and fractured trust.

Some people will admit they’re wrong only to keep their image in good standing, like narcissists.
Others will actually take responsibility for their wrongs and do what they can to make right, but they seem to be in the minority.

What do you think is at the core of this epidemic?
Is it simply the fear of feeling embarrassed or ashamed?

When you’ve been handed evidence showing you’re wrong, or are caught in a lie, do you dig your heels into your indefensible position,or do you concede and take the necessary steps to think and do better?

I know that personally, when I admit I was wrong or mistaken, I do my best to be conscious and consistent in righting the wrong behavior so as not to make amends again, but also because trust and integrity mean a lot to me.
I’m quicker to trust a person who can admit they’re fallible, take full reaponsibility for their actions and take steps change.
Do you appreciate humility too?

AMGT 8 Apr 5

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Long in tooth.


I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong like that one time I got married.

I made that mistake twice... Sometimes I'm a slow learner


Difficult questions without easy answers. It’s easy to admit you’re wrong about small things, but the bigger issues are a different animal. Studies have shown that giving people evidence that they are wrong just makes them more steadfast in their resolve.

It’s hard to gauge, but the internet and social media have had to have some impact on this phenomenon, right? It’s never been easier to find people who harbor your exact same beliefs, no matter how misguided. And it’s never been easier to get misguided beliefs out into the world to find their chorus.


I am the first to admit when I am wrong. I've been wrong before... I believe it was on a Tuesday.... 😛

I assume it was that one time that you thought you were wrong, but you were really right.

No, I am right about being wrong. 🙂


Why? That's a good question, but it probably starts with insecurity and embarrassment, or rather avoiding embarrassment..

I know for a fact that I'll admit when I'm wrong because it happened once 😉

When I screw up, I want to fix it, not worry about deflecting blame. I don't ever intend to be caught in a lie, though. Integrity is important to me, and once compromised it's gone.

JimG Level 8 Apr 5, 2018

Absolutely. Being wrong is normal and so is changing your mind. I've done it countless times in last two years. Heck, I wouldn't have renounced my religion if it weren't for feeling like I was completely wrong. I also used to think Stalin wasn't so bad in middle school (I changed this view). I also examine things myself and make judgement without peer pressure. If something is stupid but everyone seems to be doing it, I don't care and I don't give in because of that. I also try my best to be as rational as possible so as to not make irrational decisions that are based too much on emotion/feelings.


I do appreciate when a person can admit they erred. When my error is pointed out I own up. Course I can justify with the best of 'em 🙂. I do try and not do that.

People are afraid of appearing foolish and sometimes cover that will too much bravado.


Admitting a mistake takes strengh of character -- and makes one a better person.


I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.


My humility is my favorite thing about me?


I think it is the ultimate act of honesty, to admit when you’re wrong.


I meant egocentricity!


I agree with you that this is a human condition. I also think that not wanting to admit being wrong has had much more devastating consequences when someone knows they're wrong and lets things move forward anyway, regardless of the result.

When I am wrong, I always try to own it and make corrections/make it right if it's possible to do so. I have definitely made my share of mistakes.


I own up to my many mistakes all the time, and have a ton of respect for people who do the same.

Me too


I do appreciate humility, yes. As for myself, it has been so long since I have been caught in a lie that I can't tell you what it was about. I try very hard to always speak truthfully. Admitting that I have done something wrong or done someONE wrong is also rare for the same reason.

Being incorrect or mistaken about something happens more frequently. I will often defend my position until someone can demonstrate or logically explain why I am off base or gives me a vital piece of information I was missing. However, at that point there is no sense in debating any longer, I chalk it up as a learning experience, and will normally express gratitude about being corrected.

This does not mean that I am not stubborn at times, but if I'm wrong, I am wrong and generally will accept it. I do not like being wrong. Rather than fighting it against all reason, it's better to accept and embrace it so as to not continue being in the wrong.


I'm not sure that I appreciate humility but will settle for honesty and reasoning.
I can admit I'm wrong without a problem. I don't like the time wasted on feelings that doesn't need to be. It's not very productive.


I like looking at the evidence. If the evidence changes, my mind usually follows... if the new evidence is of high quality. If I can easily pick the study apart, it goes in the trash heap.


I stand corrected . Thank you for bringing that to my attention , is the proper thing to say. As you pointed out It can be embarrassing so there could be a reluctance to admit you are wrong. I think it is human nature.


Yes Amy. I admit when I'm wrong. I don't have a need to be right all the time. For instance I reposted an atheist/agnostic chart on another post. Two members didn't like it. I'm ok with that.

ok being disagreed with


I have no problem with being wrong. I know I am flawed, and sometimes will make mistakes. I work with someone who will never admit she is wrong, and thinks I am being disrespectful if I have an idea other than hers. Hard to deal with idiots like that


The infallibility epidemic is an extension of their religion. When people consider their religion to be divine and infallible, they think their own actions and beliefs are infallible by extension. American exceptualism and individual exceptualism are both often born from religious exceptualism. There's no evidence to support any of it, but that doesn't seem to be a hindrance for any of them.


Yes to all the above. I totally agree with all you wrote. I stay away from doing wrong things only because I do not want to cause any hardship to anybody. Or myself...


Not so hard to do after l got out of my 30's. I do respect humility.


As a kid I hated to be wrong but as I matured it was evident that good people respect you more when you fess up. I try not to lie but I sure make mistakes and hopefully I own them. I wonder with the Me-To movement going on and a certain political persuasion always saying it was a lie while those who do admit their mistakes oftentimes seem to have it worse, if that is just sending a terrible message out. I really hope that people aren’t that stupid.

gearl Level 8 Apr 5, 2018

Yes, it is a human thing. I like to be wrong as I like to know the truth. a lot of people look at it as a floor where I look at it as learning.


Not being a dogmatic person, I normally admit immediately when I realize I've had a wrong idea, but I usually come to that conclusion by weighing new facts as they make themselves known to me. I think the problem begins with dogmatic beliefs, which have built in defense mechinisms, and that teaches us to look for ways to defend our primary belief without accepting new evidence. So, it could be a learned behavior by watching our dogmatic or narcisistic leaders.

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