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Admitting when you’re wrong..

It is said that America is suffering an epidemic of infallibility and I agree, but I don’t think the problem applies only to Americans.

I think this is a human issue.

People have a hard time admitting when they’re wrong, as if doing so is a weakness, and it has resulted in division and fractured trust.

Some people will admit they’re wrong only to keep their image in good standing, like narcissists.
Others will actually take responsibility for their wrongs and do what they can to make right, but they seem to be in the minority.

What do you think is at the core of this epidemic?
Is it simply the fear of feeling embarrassed or ashamed?

When you’ve been handed evidence showing you’re wrong, or are caught in a lie, do you dig your heels into your indefensible position,or do you concede and take the necessary steps to think and do better?

I know that personally, when I admit I was wrong or mistaken, I do my best to be conscious and consistent in righting the wrong behavior so as not to make amends again, but also because trust and integrity mean a lot to me.
I’m quicker to trust a person who can admit they’re fallible, take full reaponsibility for their actions and take steps change.
Do you appreciate humility too?

AMGT 8 Apr 5

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37 comments (26 - 37)

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Yes, it is a human thing. I like to be wrong as I like to know the truth. a lot of people look at it as a floor where I look at it as learning.


As a kid I hated to be wrong but as I matured it was evident that good people respect you more when you fess up. I try not to lie but I sure make mistakes and hopefully I own them. I wonder with the Me-To movement going on and a certain political persuasion always saying it was a lie while those who do admit their mistakes oftentimes seem to have it worse, if that is just sending a terrible message out. I really hope that people aren’t that stupid.

gearl Level 8 Apr 5, 2018

I meant egocentricity!


Not so hard to do after l got out of my 30's. I do respect humility.


Yes to all the above. I totally agree with all you wrote. I stay away from doing wrong things only because I do not want to cause any hardship to anybody. Or myself...


I think it is the ultimate act of honesty, to admit when you’re wrong.


I have no problem with being wrong. I know I am flawed, and sometimes will make mistakes. I work with someone who will never admit she is wrong, and thinks I am being disrespectful if I have an idea other than hers. Hard to deal with idiots like that


Since my teens and until my forties I was "never wrong"....One day a friend who knew me from childhood told me why I acted in such stupid way. She said: "You -like most in our generation- were taught how to do everything the right way by being told that you were always wrong." She was correct and until that day I was a person who had great difficulty accepting when I was wrong.


Maybe it's because there could be a few handfuls of people who could take your place. If I'm wrong at my job, there is a list of people who could do it "better." If I'm wrong in my relationship, there are a ton of dating sites making it easy to meet the next "one". As I saw someone mention, right and wrong shouldn't equate to good and bad, but we make it that way. Until we accept that our faults make us who we are, and that we are still worthy, we will only continue to assert our "rightness".


Long in tooth.


It's very easy for me to admit that I am wrong. I love talking about myself and if admitting that I am wrong about something affords me the opportunity, I'll take it!

Seriously, I struggle with bipolar disorder and one sure tale tell sign that I'm manic is that my behavior becomes more anti-social. One of the many destructive ways in which this condition manifests is delusions of grandeur which blinds you to your faults, and sometimes makes it impossible to perceive reality in the same manner as those not afflicted with a mental disorder. There is a total lack of awareness that slowly creeps in, and before you know it, people are looking and reacting differently to you and you don't understand why. Before you know it you have become infallible, inflexible and intolerable!

I just can't wait for the next episode.


I do not enjoy being right. As a pessimist by nature, being right is not a good thing.

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