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Massive dust cloud is headed for the SE portion of the US. [] Mother Nature is pissed and she is taking her anger out on those who try to worship other gods. People who go to churches to pray to their gods better watch out.

JackPedigo 9 June 25

Enjoy being online again!

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"Mother Nature is pissed"

That commentary is pure fantasy 😮 😛


And poor Puerto Rico gets it again?

That poor country has had so many hits recently.

@JackPedigo And...has had no comprehensive assistance from the US Govt!

@LucyLoohoo Unfortunately, it has never voted to adopt statehood. I don't know how many ramifications that may have but can imagine it has some. Also, wonder if these things hit one of our states how would it fare under tRumps administration. Imagine, not good.

@JackPedigo If that option for Statehood were to pass today--can you imagine the pustule's response? It'd be worth the price of a ticket....

@LucyLoohoo It might be too late for another vote. I do know it happens ever so often and always get voted down. People always feel there are more benefits from not voting for statehood.

@JackPedigo I need to do some reading about the subject...wonder why they feel that way?

@LucyLoohoo This was an interest of mine and when it came up I would read about it. Some of the rules of statehood both within the state and within the country were often mentioned (like incorporating towns and cities). There are a lot of fine details and of course, competing interests.

@JackPedigo Well, you can't blame them for not trusting Statehood!

@LucyLoohoo Unfortunately, everything has a price. Its sort of like religion; they don't want the state to tell them what to do but they definitely want to tell the state that it supposed to care for them in their hour of need. Take your pick, freedom or nurturing?

@JackPedigo Seems as if they're trapped in a sort of ''protected adolescence"....never living as "adults" in a confederation of States.

@LucyLoohoo And many states also fit that description.

@JackPedigo How many "protetorates'' are there? Guam, Virgin Islands, a lot of little Pacific islands....I've just run out.

@LucyLoohoo American Samoa is another, I believe.

@JackPedigo []

That was fun....

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