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LINK Biden finally takes off the gloves, DESTROYS Trump in stunning rebuke - YouTube

Why did this have to happen? 125,000 deaths, new hotspots, hospitals at maximum capacity. Yet Rump continues to ignore the epidemic - EXCEPT to withhold funds for testing. One can only assume he wishes to make the numbers look better.
Biden makes it all clear in under 2 minutes.

Lightupmylife 7 June 25

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I’ve often wondered how bad it must get before my nation figures out they’ve made a serious mistake allowing Republican’s into office at all. Seems about now.. Flush ‘em, Joe 😉

Varn Level 8 June 26, 2020

Trump doesn't want to do anything because:

a) he'll probably fork it up so badly it will be hard for even him to explain away his failure although his effort would be something like "I had the perfect solution, like the phone call... but those Obama appointees, the emails, the Clintons, the Chinese, the liberals,... they messed it up"
b) anything he does will anger his freedumb loving base who are petulant children who would rather shit their own pants than obey their parents telling them to go to the bathroom.


Trump supporters do not want the pandemic to end because there is no pandemic. It's only a liberal scare tactic.............. YEAH RIGHT.

Let's hope the Oklahoma and Arizona rally goers choke (literally) on their own ignorance while sucking air on a ventilator.

t1nick Level 8 June 25, 2020

Way to go Joe. Happy to see he understands that we must get the pandemic under control in order to get the economic crisis under control.

Now how does he plan to deal with the virus?’s not January 21st, 2021 yet… Cabinet hasn’t been formed, yet. Your fixation with Joe appears detrimental to our answer - Joe Biden for President.


I think it's very relevant and rational to ask how a potential president plans to handle the most pressing crisis the nation is facing.

I haven't seen much leadership from him on this issue. Is that not concerning to you?

@RoboGraham Wise leadership within the US has recently come to realize ‘announcing your plan’ in advance only allows the Republican Propaganda Machine to take aim. And as mentioned … future President Biden needs to know what he’s got to work with - the house, both the house & senate, neither.. And, as mentioned - the end of January is a long ways away at the rate we’re going..

What he’ll give us is what we currently lack, experienced, knowledgeable, appropriate, science-based coordinated Adult Leadership (if enough of this nation has the sense to vote for him and the Democrats)...


So it's wise to keep his plan a secret for fear that the republicans will criticize it?

So what, they will do that regardless. If it's a good plan, it will stand up to the criticizm. Without a plan of his own to contrast to Trumps response, his own criticisms of the republican plan ring hallow.

Far better to make your case and let the populace know how you plan to handle things so that they can make a determination on whether or not to vote for you. For democracy to function, leaders need to inform the people about their plans during election years so that informed decision can be made. That is, unless you haven't got a good plan, then it's best to keep everyone guessing.

I do trust that he would put better people in place to handle this, people who actually do take science seriously, so that's a huge plus for Joe.

@RoboGraham His ‘plan’ would evolve with need and options and include those he has to work with politically; governors, congress, and his yet to be assembled cabinet. Maybe he’d also put ‘his VP’ in charge, if she’s up to it.

With Congress, he can kick the ACA into full action & implementation.. I watched him make pandemic suggestions weeks ago ... but will let you search for those. ..if you’re going to be a nagging detractor to our best hope for survival, at least help get him into office first..


Surely there is some general information that he can share regardless of who he will need to work with politically. Or at least lay out what he would like to do as a tentative plan that will change as circumstances change. At least give us an idea of how he plans to tackle this thing so we can decide if he is up for it.

I've heard him speak about the virus but I haven't really heard specifics. Mostly, I've heard him criticize Trump, which is good and necessary but I haven't heard him lay out an alternative to contrast to Trump.

Mostly, I've heard him speak in generalities as he did here, as he usually does. In this video he said we need to get the virus under control before we can get the economy booming again. Yeah, great, but obvious, and that tells me nothing about how he plans to get the virus under control. If has more to offer, I probably would have come across it but if not and it's something I've missed, I'm willing to go back and check it out.

What's his plan for the ACA? He wants to transform it into a public option?

@RoboGraham I’ve already heard him suggest ‘general information,’ it made total sense, and his ‘poll numbers’ climbed. Said he’s ‘assembling a team to be ready to go.’

This pandemic is ever-shifting. Say he describes ‘what he’d do,’ trump does the opposite, things get drastically worse (as they have), then Biden’s plan is ripped apart by the opposition because it’s not ‘doing enough.’

As mentioned, opposition loves to see ‘a plan,’ ask Elizabeth Warren, or Hillary Clinton… They ignore everything except what might be used or distorted to scare the public. As mentioned above.. most don’t ‘ask for a plan’ because they ‘need to know,’ but to pick it apart for political advantage. Biden knows that.

What I see is a candidate who understands how political power works, and will put it back to work for the bulk of the people. He also has empathy..

He’s many times described getting the ACA back on track. As mentioned.. he needs to know if the Senate will return to Democratic control; the House will. The ACA eventually lead/s to Medicare for all, he’s aware of that, but likely trillions have been spent to keep that from happening since it became law. He will fund it and work toward full implementation, as described in the debates. What he will not do is attempt to kill it - as the current threat is, yet again!

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