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Ever notice it's always the Republicans who do this childish shit? This is Trump's base. The only thing missing is a set of truck nuts hanging from the trailer hitch. Caption it if you can think of something.

Sgt_Spanky 8 June 30

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Got u covered Spanky !
Found the owner of truck and his girlfriend / cousin .

The future looks bright .

I'll be damned, you found them!


Most republicans are child-like and uneducated...


They are very motivated. We are angry and most would not even vote.

They were motivated to vote for and support a serial liar and criminally corrupt scumbag with the IQ of a houseplant and put him in charge of everything then double-down on their support as he burns down the country with his stupidity, deceit and incompetence.

They're even dumber than he is.

That's what we do. We are just angry, we rant. Presidential election is not about electing a virtuous man. It is a rat race. The best general, ruthless candidate winning instinct takes the trophy. If we do not accept it, we will never win. Trump knows how to win, conservatives know to win. They even have claimed traditionally progressive issues like morality, family values, compassion etc. Biden does not look or sound like he really wants to and knows how to win. Even with Trump's job approval so low, Biden is not scoring big. He is just not an inspiring leader to his own base, Trump is. Again, it is not about Mr. Nice Guy.

@St-Sinner Here's an idea, I think you should all just admit you shit the bed, learn from it and don't repeat it for the good of the country and democracy itself.

Just a thought.

First it was Bernie, now it is Biden. There is no end to losing.

@St-Sinner Hillary sucked and I voted for her. Biden sucks and I'm voting for him. Why do I keep voting for people I hate? Because Trump is a human cancer cell that is so much worse than any shitty D he's running against.

This isn't partisan, of the Rs would run a decent human being, I'd be willing to consider him or her.

The good of the country is more important than my personal preferences.

I am not asking you to vote for Trump. Just saying we are good at failing, at choosing and keeping lousy leaders, be it Dukakis, Hillary, Biden, Pelosi, Harry Reid and others


"I voted for Hillary"....

Me too, She really got screwed by a lot of different kinds of bullshit, and boy are we paying for it, and will be for a long time.


The Identity Needs are strong with this one.

skado Level 9 June 30, 2020

I certainly feel reassured to know the ALPHA MALES are back. Is that what racist Xian gasbags call themselves now?

Looks like.

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