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What do you think life would be like if the president was an atheist?

IAJO163 8 July 2

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For aussie and many countries It'd make no difference. For yours it would probably mean civil war.


Probably not much different unless they were a really popular president who served two terms and somehow managed to gain a lot of support from Congress.

But, I doubt I'll ever see a presidential candidate of a major party who is an atheist, much less a president.


No different as he would STILL likely kiss religious ass to stay in office. (I am pretty sure he’s not religious now, judging by his behavior).

Zster Level 8 July 2, 2020

Pretty sure he is.

MsAl Level 8 July 2, 2020

Would he be a humanist atheist? In which case probably much better all around!


With This President?
I remember when everybody was up in arms because JKFK was Roman Catholic & the Pope would therfore rule us. But, oh, wait, those were the days when people understood "separation of church & state".
A proper leader would Not let his personal beliefs interfere with governance. Period.


A 4-year-long Pride Parade? 😂


if he was public about it, he probably wouldn't be president. otherwise I don't see how he would behave any differently.

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