When it comes to vaguely justified wars we see bipartism like in nothing else.
We also see the same amount of bipartisanism in trade policy and taxation, mainly because war and globalism is profitable for the same people and corporations who fund both parties.
I'm hindu and I can't stand her.
How is your Hinduism relevant?
@PBuck0145 I will leave that for you to figure out.
@JeffMesser You don't know either.
@PBuck0145 whatever you thnk.
@PBuck0145 I'm not searching for shit. before you make statements like that you might get more information because otherwise you'll end up being a dumbass fool like you are right now.
@JeffMesser Sticks and stones, ... (you know the rest)
@JeffMesser Please enlighten me. What information am I missing? I am obviously too ignorant to know it without your help.
@PBuck0145 the direct path. Nisargadatta. Rupert Spira. Sailor Bob Adamson (whom I am about to Zoom with in a few minutes) among others.
@JeffMesser OK. Whatever you do, STAY AWAY FROM ISLAM!
@PBuck0145 Apostate prophet?