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LINK Dennis Prager: America is not a racist nation

Very Interesting! What say you people? Agree or disagree?

IAJO163 8 July 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Dennis Prager? From


Oddly I get no sound.

I think that a degree of racism is part of the human condition. In that sense the US is a racist nation, but that is no cause for despair. Since we are all born with the tribal instinct it is hypocritical to castigate and demonize those whom we have adjudged to be racist. More rational is to spread love, the agape kind of respectful love born of awareness.

Fear of the other can be overcome through habituation and through the light of awareness. It’s strictly personal—you can not correct the racism of another person.


Disagree with anything Dennis Prager has to say.

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